Senior Year: Rose

Summer was a whirlwind. Angie and I hung out in our rooms, talking for hours like old times. Penny's mom gave birth to twin boys, and we tell them apart by their dimples. Parker has two like Penny, while Princeton has only one in his right cheek.

Matt and Heather have been going steady, and AJ and Penny are also official. I thought we'd become too busy since we're all dating, but nothing changed. Matt wouldn't even let football practice interrupt our plans. And Ben. He's kept me on my toes since the day at the lake.

School is what I expected it to be. First day back was filled with familiar faces, and the same old routines. I've known most of my teachers since freshman year, and thankfully only my Math teacher is strict. Everyone else is laid back. I smell their eagerness to kick us seniors out, like we've overstayed our welcome at a hotel. This year looks like an easy A.

Matt and I have English together, Ben and I have art, and Penny and I have gym with Matt and AJ. I don't have classes with Angie, but we have lunch together on Day 2's. It's been a week since school's started. We're finally passed the paper signing and are settling into our schedules.

I'm sitting in Mr. Frank's World History class, sucking on a cherry blow pop and filling out the worksheet he passed around. Right now, we're learning about the First Sino-Japanese War in 1894. I flip through the textbook for answers. The class door swings open. It's only until he speaks that I look up.

"My counselor told me to give you this," Dan says, handing Mr. Frank a blue slip. "They had me in American History again."

He doesn't notice me right away, but when his eyes find me they hardly let go. I'm a deer in the headlights, wishing this was a first day back to school nightmare.

"Are these seats assigned?"

"No. I trust you're all old enough to behave by now," Mr. Frank says with a drawl, never lifting his eyes from the paperwork on his desk.

Dan picks up a worksheet when the teacher remembers that he'll need it. When he takes the seat beside me in the back, I grow ill. Then I get hot.

He cracks open the textbook, catching up on the chapter that he's missed. I wait for the other shoe to drop, but there's no smart remark. There's no hair harassment like back in middle school, and no dirty looks. He answers the questions on his paper in silence.

I'm suspicious, but I return my focus to my work.

The clock ticks away, and I complete half of the assignment.

"Rose?" he says, after a while.

I chuckle sourly, talking with my hands. "I knew it! Here you go with the bull!"

He grins, clearly amused by my outburst. "I was going to ask what you got for number nine, but I'll figure it out."

"Do that."

I sigh and ignore the snickering and curious glances, deciding that they're not worth my time. Crunching my candy, I go back to the worksheet. Before long, I feel his eyes piercing the side of my skull.

"What?" I hiss.

He talks low. "I thought I saw something in your hair. Looked like popcorn. I don't know."

My chest fumes, but I'm interrupted before I can speak.

"So, you and Ben, huh?"

I'm thrown off guard. My brows knit. "What?"

"Yeahhh, I thought I saw something between you two that night." He carries on. "So, what was it? Did he play the I'm rich but humble card on you?"

I'm speechless.

He smirks. "I knew it. Girls like you want the jocks and the rich boys, but you also want to feel good about yourselves. So you act high and mighty, pretending to be better than the rest of us, but in the end you're all the same. Easy scores if you know how to play the game."

My eyes are wide.

He goes back to the assignment. "Don't worry. I'm over it."

The bell rings, but I stay in my seat until he leaves. My leg quits shaking. I shouldn't let him get to me like this. He can't win.

I cool off on the way to last period, thinking of anything but those eyes. Cold and dark blue like an abyss.

Today's Day 1, but last period stays the same on both days. Lucky for me that period is gym.

I change clothes in the locker room, wondering whether or not I should tell Penny about Dan. After deciding that it wouldn't change anything, I drop it.

"This one's my favorite!" She shoves her phone into my nose.

On her screen is a picture of her brothers in matching pajamas. From their chubby smiles I can tell which one is which. Her phone gallery is filled with them.

We leave the locker room. She says she'll be babysitting a lot this year to help her mom out. We sit at our spots on the basketball court and Matt overhears.

"I can help you." He's leaning on his palms, nibbling the collar of his gray gym shirt.

"That would be a big help! Thank you."

AJ scoots beside her, shoes squeaking against the waxed floor. He greets us with a nod, then puts an arm around her shoulders. He's massive next to her.

The coach blows his whistle, doing roll call before we head outside to the tracks. We have to run a mile, Penny and I's least favorite activity.

She blames her poor performance on her shoes. They're yellow sneakers that pop against her dark skin. This is one of the few times that I've seen her in sneakers.

Matt jogs beside, critiquing our form. "You two will be dead last at this pace."

"Don't-care," Penny pants, breathless already.

He shakes his head.

AJ catches up, jogging close to her. He makes Penny laugh until her sides hurt.

"You run?" Matt asks AJ.

"I play soccer."

"I play football myself," he says. "You up for a race?"

His eyes are kind and words friendly, but there's the slightest pull in his tone that goes undetected by all except me.

AJ shrugs. "Sure."

They bolt after counting down. They're toe to toe, passing other classmates. They run the curve of the track, knees high and hands quick at their sides. We step into the grass to avoid getting run over. It's close, but the winner was two steps ahead.

They decrease their speed, and we rejoin up ahead. They pant and shake off the run.

"You should've tried out for track!" AJ says.

"You too." But the win doesn't look enough for Matt.

Penny and I congratulate the two.

AJ wipes away sweat with his shirt, flashing us his tan abs. He's amused when Penny blushes.

"What?" He takes off his shirt.

"Jay!" She hides her face.

Even I blush. She's in stitches when he tickles her sides and kisses her cheeks.

Matt keeps jogging. I'm the only one to notice.

When class is over, we try to meet up with him like we usually do after school. We check the parking lot when he doesn't show. His car's gone.

"Something must've come up." Penny sounds a little worried. "I'll text him, and see if he's still free to hang out today."

He wasn't.