Homecoming: Rose

The last time that I rode in a limousine was for my mother's funeral. It makes me uneasy to be sitting in one again, but for the sake of tonight I push these thoughts away and join the conversation that my friends are having.

The guys are dressed in dark suits, smelling of strong cologne. Penny and Angie are wearing their outfits from the boutique. Penny's hair is in a loose updo with curls shaping her stunning face. She didn't go for a heavy makeup look tonight, but instead something fresh and simple.

Angie wand curled her hair to give it some extra body. They eagerly played dress up on me, sending me off with a Rapunzel braid down my back. I can hardly recognize myself, but I have to admit that I also couldn't stop staring in the mirror. My full lips are a dark matte red, and my almond eyes are a smokey gold.

The music in the limo is hard to resist. We loosen up before long, dancing in our seats and being silly. Heather slides open the sun roof, letting in cold air. She belts to the music playing at the top of her lungs. Singing isn't her specialty, but it's hilarious.

Her dress is shiny and green. It compliments her hazel eyes and dark loosely curled hair very well. She easily looks like this year's Homecoming Queen.

She dances up there until Matt pulls her into his lap, which she happily lets him do. Before she can kiss his face off, the limo thankfully pulls into the front of the school.

Ben takes my hand, helping me out. He tips the driver, telling him that midnight should be a good time to come back.

He holds out his arm for me, and I do the same for Angie. She smiles, clearly happy that I hadn't planned on leaving her alone tonight.

I recognize two of the school photographers who direct us for pictures. We stand where we're told, and tilt our heads before a flash blinds us.

I joined the photography club during freshman and sophomore year, then got discouraged somewhere along the way and quit. I set my path on something more practical, but seeing the excitement from my old club members as they look over their shots makes me a little sad.

They wave me over for a second to compliment me and share some small talk. I don't keep Ben and Ang waiting for long. Together, we walk down the rolled out carpet, and into the noisy gym.

The theme is a masquerade dance, so we're each given our own cool masks upon entry. Each is a different color and style. Mine is gold with intricate designs, and a red feather.

Ben shouts over the music. "Nice! It matches your dress!"

His mask is white and gold, and Angie's is blue with patterned jewels.

"Let's go dance!"

He takes our hands, leading us through the thick crowd. We find a clear space and bounce to the music, waving our hands to the beat. I haven't seen Angie smile like this in a while. Whatever funk she's been in is gone for now.

Ben's dancing surprises me. It's effortlessly smooth, and he makes it look so nice. After three songs we're hot and need a breather. Angie and I grab a table while he goes to get us some drinks.

"I'm sweating off my makeup!" She laughs, checking herself in a hand mirror. "I'll be right back." She excuses herself to the restroom.

I shoot her a thumbs up, and look around the dim room. Green and blue balloons clutter the floor, purple curtains drape from the ceiling. Mask props and photo booth stands can be found in every corner.

At a table beside me, I find Heather drinking alone. I recognize her hair and dress despite the red mask covering her face. She seems upset so I join her. When she notices me, she rolls her hazel eyes with a chuckle.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She leans closer, so that I can hear. "I just broke up with my boyfriend, so no. Not really." She smiles at my surprise.

I ask what happened.

She takes a long sip before answering. "I've dated enough guys to know when one doesn't want me."

Guilt pricks my heart. Should I have told her?

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"

"We gave it a shot." She shrugs. "How can I be mad at that?"

"What made you do it tonight?" I gesture to the room. "It's homecoming."

"We were dancing, but it wasn't me he was looking at." She sighs. "Plus, I'd usually be the one to kiss or text first." She stands, chugging her drink.

I stand as well.

She steps to me. "Between you and me?"


"He never asked me out at the bonfire." She chuckles at my surprise. "I've always had a thing for him. I thought that if we gave it a try, he'd see how perfect we were for each other. So, when I saw the opportunity, I took it." Her eyes fall to the floor. "I'm the one who should be sorry, not him."

A pause builds until she shakes herself off, suddenly energetic. She blows a raspberry and gives me a quick hug. "Anyway, I'm a hot cheerleader soon to be hot doctor. I'm sure my love life won't always suck. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my last homecoming." A hazel eye winks behind her mask. She leaves to the dance floor.

"Here you go," Ben says, handing me a drink. "What was that?"

I take the cup, quenching my thirst. "That was you needing one less ticket to the theater. Her and Matt split up."

He doesn't seem too surprised.

"You saw it coming?"

He nods like it's obvious. "Yeah. I mean, he has a thing for Penny, right?"

I look around. "Shhhh. You knew?"

He mocks me with a finger to his lips. "Okay." He scoots his chair next to mine, smiling.

"Does AJ know?"

"Now, that I'm not sure. I'm just good at reading people."

I play with my braid, lifting a brow. "You?"

His handsome face is intimidating, but I stand my ground. I drape the braid across my shoulder, leaning in. "So, what am I thinking, then?"

He matches my energy, examining my hair in his hand. "You want to get some air."

I sigh, snapping a finger. "Ahh, so close! But, I promised myself that I wouldn't leave Angie."

"We'll be quick."

I give in when he brushes my arm gently, sending chills down my spine. "Let me ask if she'd mind hanging out with Penny for a while."

I search the bathrooms. When I don't find her, I look for Penny instead. It's hard to recognize anyone in this sea of masked people, but once I spot the Cinderella dress, I reach for her arm. She smiles when she sees that it's me.

I yell near her ear. "Have you seen Angie?"

"Not since we got here!"

I go back to Ben. He's right where I left him, nodding to the music.

"I can't find her. She's probably dancing with some friends."

He takes my hand, and we leave the packed room. The thumping of music grows faint when we're outside. We walk around the school until we're sure that we're alone in the hallway. It's dark and quiet.

I lean against a wall, playing with my hands and admiring his features. Warm brown eyes, like mine, dazzle with life. A carefree smile is forever etched around his mouth, and a strong nose rests above what I know to be warm lips.

"Are you nervous?" He moves so close that his leg touches mine. The contact is electric.

I hide my shaking, lifting my head so that our eyes meet. "I'm not."

He presses his lips against mine, kissing away the lie. His hands are gentle and careful as they feel up my arms, resting upon my shoulders. Before he can plant a kiss in the curve of my neck, I speak.


He pauses, his voice a low mumble. "Yeah?" His breath tickles my skin. It's a pleasurable sensation.

I'm not sure how to say it. We've never talked about it before. I decide to blurt it out. "I plan on waiting until marriage, you know?"

There's a smile in his voice. "Okay." He steps back, removing his warmth.

I want to kick myself for ruining the moment, but he doesn't seem to mind. "You're not upset?"

His hands rest inside his pockets. "It wasn't on my mind, just so you know."

"I know."

"Good. But, why would I be upset? Would you be mad if I said no?"


He shrugs. "Well, there you go." He kisses my forehead, and then my cheek. "Let's get back."

I sigh. "Okay."

As embarrassing as that was, I'm pleased with his reaction. I feel even more comfortable with him now that I know.

We hear an argument coming from around the corner. I don't think to get involved until I hear her.

"Let me go!" Angie cries. The terror in her voice makes it almost unrecognizable.

We dash to the commotion, stopping in our tracks when we see Dan holding her arms.

"Angie, come on!" He tries to look into her eyes, but she turns away.

Her face morphs from fear into anger. "I hate you!" She spits out the words.

When he snaps out of it, Ben pulls him off of her. "What's the matter with you?!"

Dan receives a hard shove to the chest, losing his balance. He's stunned to see us, and struggles to find his words. I rush to Angie, holding her tight. She squeezes me back, and she's trembling.

"We were just talking." He steps away from us.

For the first time, Ben isn't smiling. "And now you're done." It isn't a question.

"Fine." He gives Angie one last glance before walking away.

"Are you okay?" I ask, checking her for injuries.

She nods and hugs herself. "Yeah. I just want to leave this stupid dance."

I know her. She's on the verge of breaking down.

"Sure, I'll stay with you tonight. We can do whatever you want."

She shakes her head fast. Her watery eyes fall to the ground. "I think I'm going to hang with Sam."

It cuts deep...She didn't pick me. She would've hurt me less with a knife to the chest.

Sam isn't the type to comfort you. She'll drag you to Hell with her, if you're down for the ride. She's always been a bad influence in my opinion, but Angie is old enough to make her own decisions...

I smile even though it hurts, and laugh though nothing is funny. Ben touches my shoulder.

I talk slowly, swallowing down the tightness in my throat. "Do you want a ride to her house?"

"No. I'll call her."

"So...We'll talk about this later then?"

I feel pathetic for begging her to confide in me. To take comfort in my company when it's so obvious that she doesn't want me around. How did we get back here?

"Yeah. Later," she says, mumbling.

She walks passed us, and goes back to the party. She'd rather wait in there for her ride than with me. As much as I hate to make this about me, I can't help but ask myself one question.

What did I do?