Accident in the Schoolyard

The basketball community headquarters seemed to be a little far from the music community because he had walked around there and did not find anyone promoting basketball extracurricular activities.

He also didn't know where the basketball extracurricular headquarters was, after walking around the music extracurricular headquarters and not finding anything, he chose to ask people.

"Excuse me, do you know where the basketball promotion headquarters is" Ryu asked a man who was looking around.

The man then looked at Ryu and spoke "oh yeah, I know, over there in the sports section, right next to the soccer/football promotion headquarters" The man then pointed his finger and pointed to the east where there were a lot of people.

"alright, thanks friend" Ryu thanked him then went there. when he got there. he saw a rather large banner like a gate before entering, the reason he didn't see this was because there were too many people here and the banner was small.

Then he went inside and saw some tents, all the tents had different banners, there were banners for club tennis, club football, club archery, club volleyball and club basketball.

Ryu immediately walked towards club basketball, the banner that was put up in Ryu's opinion was the core team of this school's basketball club.

But this was strange. Unlike the other sports promotion tents, the basketball tent was too empty, he also looked around but only found people staring at the basketball club tent and then looked away, 'is there very little interest here?' Ryu thought.

Ryu didn't care and immediately rushed towards the basketball club tent, but... he didn't find anyone, no wonder people immediately averted their eyes, there was no one here, is it over for this club promotion?

Then Ryu saw a man who was sitting drinking, he didn't seem to be busy. so Ryu approached him and then asked him

"Excuse me, do you know where to sign up for the basketball club?" Ryu approached and immediately made a sound.

The man who was drinking immediately turned his head in the direction of the sound and found Ryu. Because the crowd was so large here, he couldn't hear Ryu's voice clearly.

"Sorry, what was that?" He looked at Ryu then spoke.

"Do you know where to register for the basketball club?"

"Yes, yes. In that tent over there" He pointed to the empty tent.

"But it seems to be empty now, earlier when I signed up I heard they were planning to split up to look for members, you might be able to find around this schoolyard."

"Okay, thanks"

Then Ryu turned around and continued walking, the info from her was very useful, but he didn't know where to look in a schoolyard this big, there was no way he could walk back and forth to this huge courtyard.

But he didn't give up, so he kept walking to find the senpai that promoted the basketball club.




Ryu had walked around but didn't find a single senpai promoting the basketball club, he had asked the senpai promoting other sports clubs but the results were empty, they didn't know where the basketball club members were.

He kept walking around looking for someone to promote the basketball club.

He felt like he had been walking for a while, 'it shouldn't have started yet for the opening ceremony?' Ryu thought.

He then looked at the time on his watch, while he was looking at the clock, there were two women wearing dark blue uniforms talking and not paying attention to the road in front of them.



Ryu collided with them

"ouchh!" one of the female senpais fell and moaned on the ground,

Ryu also fell but he looked in front of him and saw the two female senpai he collided with, one of them both were........ fell.

The female senpai's friend just stood still and her hand that was holding on to the woman was released, it seemed like she was still shocked and hadn't reacted yet.

"Yui-chan!!!" the woman shouted.

Ryu who realized it was his mistake immediately stood up quickly and immediately stood up to help the female senpai

Before her friend took a hand to help the senpai named Yui, she saw a man already standing in front of Yui and helped her stand up.

No, no, no.

'This situation is far from her expectations for this opening ceremony, did she really see a romantic situation that only exists in this novel?'

Then she saw the man helping Yui, a handsome and innocent-looking new student with hazel eyes and dark brown hair.

"I'm sorry senpai, are you alright?" Ryu who realized his mistake immediately helped the senpai who was standing and while speaking

When the senpai stood up, Ryu was still holding her in his arms, the senpai's face became a little red with embarrassment, then she answered Ryu's words.

"I'm fine, thank you" then the senpai intended to release her hand from Ryu's grip.

But when she wanted to let go of his hand, Ryu's grip became even tighter and then Ryu said

"wait a minute senpai, in your hand there are still stone chips and dust, let me clean it" then Ryu grasped the senpai's hand with his left hand, then he swept the dirty senpai's hand with his hand. after everything was clean, Ryu made sure that it was all and rubbed it gently afraid that the small dust was still remaining

Because Ryu was too focused on cleaning the dust off her hand, he didn't notice what was happening to her face.

'Why are his hands so soft, and why is my heart beating so fast when he's just a new student' the female senpai thought.

As he cleaned her hands, she was so embarrassed because this was the first time she did this and embarrassed her that her face became red like a tomato, the worried face of the new student was very very handsome and cute, she really wanted to pinch his cheeks, she couldn't because she was already embarrassed to death and she would not ever do that to someone that she didn't even know

Her very red face turned to her friend, then...... she saw her friend again videoing the two of them, Kobayashi Rina!!!! damn you! she shouted to herself.

Then as she turned her gaze back to Ryu, he finished cleaning up her hands and spoke.

"I think your hands are all clean, senpai. I'm sorry" Ryu spoke while looking at the female senpai

Because the senpai was so embarrassed that she was as red as a tomato, she answered Ryu while bowing her head "a-a-arigatou gozaimasu, new student. It's okay."

Then, her friend, who was videoing the two, immediately clapped loudly.

The two of them were too busy with their world to notice that some seniors and new students were watching the scene.

They both turned to the clapping senpai friend.

She spoke "YUI! It was so romantic like in a novel, I was thrilled for you" She suddenly came forward and hugged Yui-senpai.

Yui, who was teased by her friend became very nervous, she just opened her mouth like she wanted to say something but no sound came out.

Ryu is currently also very embarrassed, he just looked around and saw many people staring at him and the senpai named Yui.

He was also even more embarrassed because there were several other senpai who witnessed giving congratulatory shouts which made him very embarrassed.

He turned his head towards Yui-senpai and noticed that she was also very embarrassed, as her friend released her from her embrace, he spoke to Yui to release the awkward atmosphere.

"Is it alright, senpai?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine, no worries"

While the two of them were in an awkward situation, Yui-Senpai's friend finally spoke up because she couldn't stand the awkward situation between the two of them.

"hey new student!

