First To Draw Blood

Rama walked into the meeting room where the High courts and the Officials gathered on the square table stretching from almost one end of the room to the other, with the seats half occupied.

Roshan accompanied her as she moved to stand behind the head table, where the king once occupied.

Distinct whispers and murmurs flew across the members of the High court and the officials as she and the werewolf king appeared before them, aware of the announcement she wanted to make.

"Silence!" Her cold voice rang in the room and the whole place immediately fell silent in disbelief, she was the princess but at that moment it felt as though she had already become the queen as she raised her voice with a shocking air of authority.

The audience seated at the table exchanged glances before returning it to her.

"I summoned you all to make an announcement and I'll go straight to the point." She paused as she observed their expressions which were neutral while they awaited her announcement.

"Prior to my Father, the King's passing, I'll bestow upon myself the throne and become Queen as he wished. My coronation shall be held in a week." She said in a straight, clipped tone and immediately the words rolled off her lips, the murmurs elevated and she could see the displeasure etched on their faces.

"We all object to your decision your Highness, in all the centuries of the Empire ruling, no woman has ever sat on the throne, it'll only be right to pass it on to the next male kin, after all it's a King that rules not a Queen." One of them spoke from the audience and the rest of them nodded in agreement as they chanted yes in unison.

"I never asked for your opinions, I was telling you what will happen, with or without your support." Her face hardened as she spoke with an air of authority, she was aware they felt intimidated by her but they tried to hide it.

"The coronation won't hold without our consent, the public disagrees and so do we, Jafar should take the throne or you get married." Another man from the audience chipped in with a nonchalant voice, she knew her words would do little to help her acquire the throne, Jafar had the upper hand now but not for long.

"She's more than capable to seat on the throne and if you're all against her ruling because she's a woman, then you're all spineless cowards. Anyone who wants the throne should fight her face to face for it or cower back and accept defeat!" Roshan growled with a dangerous look on his face and the members gulped as the werewolf king spoke with a spine chilling aura.

Rama felt a smile threatening to break through her lips but she didn't let it show. She was about to speak until the opening of the doors interrupted her.

Jafar walked into the room alongside his mother, he had dressed up in an expensive outfit similar to a King's, his brown hair combed back neatly and he walked proudly with chin raised high.

Rama rolled her eyes visibly at his immature behaviour, him dressing and acting like a spoilt brat wouldn't guarantee him seating on the throne, but how would he know that, he was a blockhead, he only wanted the throne for the wealth and opulence that came with it, he didn't care about the people or the Empire, she did.

"You shouldn't fight it sister, Queens don't rule, Kings do and it's time you learn to accept that, we shouldn't fight over the throne, it's only reasonable that a man rules." She heard Jafar's drawled voice which had a mocking tone to it as he neared her.

That smugly look on his face made her fists coil tightly, itching to punch him to a pulp but she took a deep breath in, closing her eyes for a second to calm her nerves down, she could feel the anger brewing inside of her threatening to explode any second.

"If you deserved it Father would have announced you the future king but he didn't. He wanted me to rule which makes it obvious that I'm the King you could never be, I'll advice you to stop with your childish charade and for once in your life, don't make a fool of yourself."

Rama wanted to say more, she wanted to break his ego before she would break him physically, but she held back the foul words that became bitter on her tongue, she needed to speak in a Queenly manner.

Jafar's eyes reddened with anger that couldn't be contained.

"You...You should watch your mouth little princess, he only wanted to make you Queen because you're his precious daughter he pampered too much, nothing more. You're unfit to be Queen and you'll watch me become King, I promise you that, so be careful of the words you utter, you wouldn't want to be on my bad side when I become King." He sneered at her, every word he uttered were bitter with hate, his eyes burning with rage.

Rama didn't flinch at his threat, instead she moved close to him, Jafar was intimidated by her cold emotionless jade eyes that locked his, he felt the urge to move back as she came nearer but he didn't want to look weak in front of them so he stood his ground.

"If you think you would make such a competent King and I think I'd make a great Queen, we should have a fair fight for the throne, shan't we?"

Her words came as a surprise for them all and they exchanged glances. Jafar was taken aback by her demand, he wasn't aware of her skills as they weren't close, so he decided to agree but he stayed wary of her, her words didn't come out as a joke.

"You're right, we agree to your requests but it's on your own risk since it's what you demanded." One of the High court members spoke and they all nodded in agreement.

To them she was just a woman and it shouldn't be too hard for Jafar to take her down, but how wrong had they been.

"Failure to comply will prove how much of a coward you are and to make the fight fair, you'll be given weapons and I'll use my fists, first to draw blood wins." Her tone was hard and cold and her words came out as a deep wound in which salt had been poured over it and Jafar almost lost it.

"How dare you! Weapon or no weapon, I'll draw your blood first, pray to god you don't die by my hands, I won't go easy on you sister." He spat out with clenched teeth in anger before turning his back against her to leave.

"Where are you going brother, the fight starts right now, I'll see you in the fighting pit in an hour, you should train within that hour, I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't held a sword in months." Her tone was sugar coated with a hint of mockery in it.

With those words, Rama dashed out of their presence with Roshan following behind, a smile grazing through his lips.

Jafar's body trembled in anger as he flung the nearest item in front of him, the vase seated on the table shattered as it came falling to the floor with a loud crash, leaving everyone startled by his actions.

"I'll kill her, after all we're drawing blood." He muttered under his breath with a grim look on his face.

Rama went to the fighting pit as she got prepared for the fight, she didn't need to train hard, only a warm up and she was all set.

She could feel Roshan's eyes on her as she got prepared.

"I have no doubt you'll win, I can't wait to see his face when you do." Her head whipped towards his direction to meet his grinning face and she swallowed softly.

She felt so allured to his masculinity, she wanted to trace her fingers on his chiseled face and sharp jaws, she wanted to run her fingers through his brown lush thick hair and his lips, she wanted to feel on hers, but her imagination would be short lived after he left.

She could only have wild thoughts running through her head for him, but she very well knew she could never have him, she was one to accept reality and face it head on, yet she couldn't let go of her infatuation for a man she could never have.

She averted her gaze from his, she had a match to win and a smugly face to punch the hell out of, so she couldn't afford to be distracted by his handsome face that almost made her drool, she would continue with her secret admiration after her match.

"You okay?" She heard Roshan's deep voice bring her back to reality and she immediately realised she had been staring at him all along. She quickly averted her gaze as she hoped her feelings for him weren't visible in her jade blue eyes.

"Yes, I have a fight to win, I'll see you later." She said when she heard the fighting bell ring and she immediately dashed out to the fighting pit as she awaited her opponent.