Rama didn't hear the last of it from her mother after gaining awareness of the public announcement she made to the people, her mother had begged so earnestly for her not to brew a war with the vampire king as she feared for her.
Not that Rama would care to listen, she was more than secure about her plans that they could win the war as they had the black dragon on their side, so she shoved aside her mother's warnings to the back of her mind.
She believed that everything would go perfectly as planned, she would defeat the vampire king after all, she didn't believe the rumors that stated he was immortal, she believed that everything that had an origin most certainly had an extinction and the vampire king was not excluded.
Nighttime arrived and the blanket of dark grey clouds covered the bright blue skies, leaving the lands in pure darkness with only the dim light from the moon shining down on the land.
The clouds growled as lightning reverberated through the clouds and soon after a heavy downpour followed.
Rama as usual dismissed Malika and took her bath before coming out in her flimsy nightwear that flowed behind her.
"You're dismissed Malika, you can leave," Rama said nonchalantly as she caught sight of her handmaiden standing beside the dressing mirror.
"Yes, your Highness." She watched Malika as she pressed her lips tightly against each other before bowing her head meekly as she set to leave.
"Is something wrong? You can tell me whatever burdens you, I'll be a listening ear." She said with a soft tone as she moved closer to the girl and sat her down at the edge of her bed.
"I'm just worried about you your highness, you've been in distress ever since your Father's passing and then the fight for the throne and now war with the devil himself, I fear that he may pour his wrath upon us and the dragon won't be able to stop him as he's an immortal being." Malika stated all her worries with a panicked tone and Rama sighed in exasperation.
"That is total gibberish I strongly do not believe he's immortal, don't tell me you believe those baseless rumors parents spread to scare their children at night." Rama said with a tone of doubt.
"They're not baseless..."
"That's enough, not another word about the vampire King, he's able to induct fear in your hearts because you believe he can, I won't let my fear for him control me, you should have some sleep, it'll help with your anxiety." Rama said in a clipped tone but still, a hint of worry lingered in it.
"You're right your highness, I guess I've been worried for nothing thank you." Malika said, her face slowly brightening up with a sense of relief and hope.
"It's fine, I guess humans have to live with fear in their hearts for the unknown but it's also easy to let go of that fear if you wish enough chatting, you should go to sleep, I saw you doing chores all day, you must be tired. I'll talk to the head maid about giving you so many chores, she's envious of you because we're close don't you think?" Rama said with anger coating her voice and the maid could only nod at her mistress's words.
"You don't have to be so uptight around me because I'm the Queen, I'll always be Rama," Rama said with a more sentimental voice as she squeezed Malika's palms gently and a smile grazed her lips.
"Forgive me for my behavior, I'll try not to be so uptight anymore."
"Good, now go get some rest, goodnight."
"Good night your Highness."
She watched as the young maiden didn't say another word and meekly exited her room and waved her goodbye.
She cared for Malika and seeing her in a state of panic and anxiety made her slightly nervous, she could see the raw fear in her light brown eyes when she spoke of the vampire King being immortal and she wondered if there was a prospect of him being an immortal being.
Rama blew out the candles in the room leaving her in desolate darkness but she didn't go to bed immediately instead she moved close to the window and watched as the rain poured down heavily outside with a muffled sound.
The dim light from the full moon shone through her window to her bedside as she stood near it and suddenly, she felt a shiver run down her spine and she could feel the hair on her skin stand erect, she subconsciously rubbed her arms together as she shivered slightly.
She got a weird feeling of someone watching her similar to the feeling she got when she was in the cave and she instinctively turned her head to the dark space in the room where even a flicker of the moonlight did not shed its light.
It was dark but it seemed darker than usual as she could feel an ominous presence watching her from the depth of the darkness and she instinctively moved her feet back, knowing someone was in her chamber watching her, someone dangerous.
A shaky gasp escaped her lips and her jade blue eyes widened when she saw a dark figure moving in the darkness which seemed to blend with the figure as it moved with slow dreary steps.
The figure came into space where the dim light of the moon shone and she saw herself staring into a pair of crimson red eyes that glinted precariously at her, sucking her into his blood red eyes.
The figure moved toward her and she stepped back instinctively till her back hit the wall even though he was standing a good distance away from her. Her heart pounded hard against her ribcage as she started at the daunting figure in front of her. No doubt he was a night creature.
Her quivering lips opened to speak but the words disappeared as soon as she heard his dark voice.
"Scream and I'll lay waste to whoever walks through those doors." His threat was as crystal clear as his blood red eyes glowering down at her fragile figure, she could see the revulsion in his eyes when he looked at her.
She pressed her lips in a thin line as she was well aware of the daunting presence in front of her, it was none other than the vampire king even though she had never seen him before.
She screened her eyes from his head down to his toes and she immediately realized she had been wrong about how she had imagined the night creatures to be, she had imagined them to be scrawny bald hideous looking creatures but seeing him, it was obvious he was the opposite.
He was the most handsome yet daunting man she had ever laid eyes on, his black long hair stopped just above his waistline and she could see some stray strands become loose at his sides as his hair was pinned backward with golden pins.
His red eyes seated underneath dark long thick feminine lashes and his pale skin contrasted well with his dark features, his red full lips pressed in a thin line of disgust when he stared at her face washed with what seemed to be confusion and a hint of fear.
His hands sunk into his trouser pockets as he moved an inch closer to her with elegant strides, his broad shoulders swaying with a sense of pride and a very high ego.
His outfit was nothing less than luxury, a black jacket reaching his knees with gold buttons and chains hanging from one side to the other, over black pants and leather boots that clinked with every step he took.
"W..Who are you?" She managed to say when he moved with a voice that seemed to be lower and smaller than her usual sharp one.
A half grin curved the side of his lips up to reveal perfect white teeth which would have been straight if not for the elongated pointy canines that she caught him running his tongue over before he spoke.
"You should know me, after all, you promised to place my head on a stake as a gift to your people." His deep baritone voice echoed in her ears in a daunting tone as he gave her a dreary smile that made her blood curdle.
He could easily kill her right then and there, with the way he was staring at her, she could tell he wanted nothing more than to tear her apart limb by limb.
"You've done nothing but kill innocent people and destroyed kingdoms, you have no right to be upset if I made that statement." Rama's sharp voice finally came back when she remembered all the gruesome massacres he had committed and her irritation and disdain for him suddenly overpowered her fear in that moment.
"Rama the feisty little princess, you're trapped with the devil in your chamber yet you don't beg for mercy, do you long that much for death?" She heard him drawl with malicious intent swirling in his crimson red eyes and she felt her heart skip a beat at his deadly words.
She gulped softly knowing the devil was in her chamber and she was trapped alone with him, he could easily kill her and if she chose to cry for help, no doubt he would effortlessly kill whoever steps through her door.
"How did you get through?" Curiosity hit her.
She saw a devious grin tear through his lips making him look like an unholy beauty. She wondered how he could be so enchanting on the outside yet so dark on the inside, he was nothing but the devil shrouded up in seven feet of masked beauty.