Draco stood atop a low hill near the ruined palace, but far from the sight of the warrior queen and her men, he watched with a dark glint in his eyes as they gaped at the majestic being that soared above them.
A small horde of vampires with bright red eyes stood behind him, awaiting his signal for them to attack.
Zamiel his right-hand man stood beside him, hands crossed behind his back as his dark red eyes narrowed to the humans his gaze was fixed on.
"Dispatch half of the men to Saba Empire, lay it to wastes, bring her handmaiden alive then the rest of you, proceed ahead and give them a taste of adrenaline. Leave the queen alive, the final kill shall be mine."
Zamiel heard their king order, they had been close since childhood but still, he couldn't decipher whatever was running through his devious mind, he knew Draco wouldn't waste a breath on the humans but seeing how he accepted the queen's proposition for a war, left him perplexed as he was superior and his ego was unbelievably high, he wouldn't bat an eye lid before killing a human, so he wondered why he let her live just to end her, what exactly was his aim?
Zamiel ordered the horde of vampires as Draco had commanded and half of the horde disappeared with the wind as they moved with inhumane speed toward the Saba Empire, ready to pour down their wrath on them.
Rama and her men watched in awe as the majestic creature soared in circles above them in the sky but their amazement were short lived when they saw figures emerging from the dark and coming into the light.
Their bright red eyes glowed dangerously but it was nothing like the Vampire king's crimson dark red ones that looked like blood and she wondered if the rumours of the vampire king being immortal were true, but she would ponder later about that, currently she had to fight.
She could notice only about thirty of the night creatures disperse in different areas as they enclosed on them, her men surpassed them in numbers but even she knew the quantity was insignificant.
Her eyes screened around for the vampire king but he was nowhere to be seen, it seemed like she wasn't significant enough for him to waste his strength on.
Her men unsheathed their swords while dismissing the horses by slapping it on their behind and the horses galloped away leaving only her men in the battlefield.
Rama breathed heavily with shaky breath when she saw the night creatures charge at them, it was difficult to familiarize herself with their movements as they moved like the wind with an inexplicable speed, even her men seemed confounded and agitated as they could barely see them when they moved.
She quickly put on her helmet with frantic movements and suddenly unsheathed her sword, the sharp blade glinted as the rays of the sun reflected on it but the skies would soon turn dark as the dark orange sun peeked through the clouds, informing them of the sunrise.
The horde of vampires that had lunged at them with incredible speed were already in their midst, everything occurred too quickly in front of Rama's eyes, it felt like time was being fast forwarded as in the next moment, she saw her men drop dead on the floor after a strong wind would whoosh past them, their heads flew out of their necks, hearts ripped out and blood spraying everywhere.
Her heart flew to her mouth in a panicked state as she saw the gruesome end of her men at the mercy of the vicious bloodsucking monsters, she could taste the bitterness of the bile that was stuck in her throat.
It was a hassle to fight the creatures when she couldn't catch a glimpse of what she was fighting, a strong wind would brush past her and she would swing her sword aimlessly as swift as she could but she would plunge it into thin air, the night creatures were excessively fast and unbelievably powerful.
She looked up at the dragon who was still soaring above the sky with no intention of coming down to save her and her people, as if it wasn't seeing her or neglecting her even.
She tried to interact with it through the mind controlling bond but nothing happened, utter disappointment washed down on her and she felt tears sting the back of her eyes knowing her Empire was doomed if she failed to control the black dragon.
Adrenaline flowed through Rama's veins every time she felt the chilly wind brush past her, anticipating the night creatures to rip her head off in the process like they had done her men, but nothing happened, it felt as though they were shunning her.
More of her men continued to drop dead as the minutes flew by, she could feel the uneasiness and fear building it's way into her heart with a heavy cloak of pressure weighing heavily on her shoulders, she felt her legs weaken with failure.
She had failed her Empire, her people and herself, her head lowered to the floor in trepidation, she could taste the sour tang of fear coating her tongue, her Empire was doomed and there was no one to blame but her, she didn't deserve to be a queen.
Why did the black dragon choose her as queen if she only brought about the downfall of her Empire and the gruesome end of their future?
Rama's blood ran cold when she saw more of her men drop dead, a stream of blood instantaneously covered the ground with her men's corpses on it, her sword fell from her hold, it was over.
Tears rolled down her cheeks which the helmet prevented from being visible as she looked up at the sky, begging the black dragon to come to her Empire's aid.
She saw it glide towards the east and land with a heavy thud on the ground which made the earth underneath them rumble, but it didn't move, instead, it crouched down next to a figure whose crimson red eyes peered at her with a dark glint.
She was confused as she saw the black dragon next to her rival, it was obvious that the black dragon had forsaken them and their Empire, it united with her greatest enemy or the vampire king had done something to alter the bond she shared with the black dragon, Rama came to a conclusion as she saw the unbelievable sight before her.
Her knees felt weak and her legs wobbled weakly as her body became too heavy for it to carry, she slumped down on her knee, colliding it with the floor but she didn't wince in pain, she was waiting for death, the quicker it came, the faster she could let go of her guilt and humiliation eating rapidly at her heart.
She wanted to cry, knowing she failed to protect the Empire and her people, knowing her Empire would soon become nothing but history, but the anger and the hatred brewing deep in her heart, knowing the vampire king had won and he would enjoy watching her suffer before she died made her teeth clench in vexation and she blinked the tears away.
Even though she was facing her end, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her weak, she would retaliate and fight back till the end, it was the least she could do for singlehandedly causing the downfall of her Empire and when her eyes narrowed to the corpses of her men on the floor, rage overwhelmed her entire being in ways it never had before.
She gulped softly when she saw the night creatures assemble and her jade eyes met the vampire king's crimson ones as he strode elegantly towards her, the faint reddish orange sun rays extended on him, making his features come to the light, but even with the light on him, it still felt as though a blanket of darkness laid over him like a veil.
Everything about him described darkness, his whole being emitted fear into one's heart and behind his dark red eyes lay a terrifying gaze of a monster.
He took murkily slow steps as he moved toward her until he was hovering above her figure kneeling on the floor and she felt her adrenaline flow through her veins when she looked into his crimson red eyes that held not a single bit of warmth in them nor a fragment of light.