Prisoner To The Vampire King

Rama's thoughts were again abruptly disturbed when she felt a harsh tug on the rope her hands were bound to, the force was too strong, she missed her footings and she staggered forward, in a second, she saw herself crashing down on the muddy blood soaked floor, face first and she could hear the laughter erupting from the night creatures.

The heavy armor she wore protected her body, but not her face. Mud and blood smeared all over her face and she wiped off her face with the sleeves of her shirt even though it didn't do much.

She stood on her feet before shooting deadly daggers with her jade eyes at the vampire that had tugged on her rope and made her lose her balance.

The vampire didn't seem pleased with a mere human glaring at him. He yanked the back of her hair with a swift movement making her head fall backward.

A shrill cry of pain escaped her lips subconsciously at the head splitting pain the vampire inflicted on her, she was sure her hair would pull out with the force he had tugged her hair.

The vampire's grip finally released from her hair and she found herself gasp in relief but the aftermath of the hair pulling stemmed a splitting ache on her head.

Her eyes narrowed to the hands that had shoved away the vampire's hand and released her from the pain. It was the vampire king.

"I wouldn't want anyone to break the feisty princess before I had the pleasure of breaking her." He let go of the vampire's hand, a precarious smile playing on his lips as he locked his gaze on her.

"it's time to go home, I'm sure you'll love where my kingdom." A charming smile distant from the dreary one he usually gave her crossed his lips but nothing was charming about it, it was an enigmatic smile that couldn't be deciphered and the meaning behind it couldn't be decrypted.

He took hold of the rope and tugged on it as he walked with elegant strides, making her follow behind, not that she had a choice, she was a prisoner to the vampire king and the splitting headache made her tight lipped and glare free, for the meantime.

They went through the forest that stretched from the hill near the ruined kingdom, it was less than a minute's walk before they halted in front of their horses sauntering around in a small group.

He tugged on her rope like she was a pet meant to follow her master and she could only roll her eyes outwardly at his back.

He moved toward a midnight black horse that galloped majestically toward them, it's silky black mane dancing in the wind as it did.

He linked her rope firmly to the horse before climbing on it with a swift movement, along with the other vampires who hopped on their horses.

How great! So she was meant to walk.

She didn't even have the right to whine about it, she was a prisoner so it wasn't unexpected that they would treat her like one but still, it was hard to fully digest the fact that she was nothing but a mere prisoner, once a queen, but now a prisoner. How ironic.

She practically laughed at her situation, she had blindly led her Empire to it's ultimate downfall, the people she cared about were all brutally slain by her greatest enemy, her throne was nonexistent and her title was stripped, degrading her to a mere prisoner.

The horse she was tied to galloped slowly, while the rest of them galloped away with speed until they faded away from their sight.

No streak of light penetrated into the forest, inducing darkness and eerieness, although the forest always felt eerie, the ominous presence of the vampire king somehow blended his darkness emanating from him with the forest's.

They had been traveling for hours, the blue bright skies turned to a dark greyish hue with black clouds hovering above them, it was nighttime already and the forest darkened even more, it was a void of darkness and almost impossible for her human sight to notice anything.

It was a long walk that took an eternity, she felt exhausted and famished but she couldn't, wouldn't complain to the vampire king of all people, she was sure he'd add to her plight if she did.

"Exhausted already? we haven't even commenced with your torture yet, I guess it'll be easy to break you after all, feisty princess." He didn't turn back as he drawled darkly with an amused voice and she could imagine the sadistic smirk on his lips.

He was so wrong, she wouldn't break, she would never give him the fulfillment of seeing her break, no matter the torture he'd inflict on her but she didn't retort even though her fists clenched itself tightly in restrained rage, she was too hungry, too tired and too overwhelmed to find her words been buried with all the emotions she couldn't reflect upon.

Silence ensued after, their journey persisted and she tried to keep up her slow paces with the horse, placing one shaky foot after the other in hastened steps to avoid tripping and falling on her face again.

Her knees weakened and her legs wobbled from weariness, they had been on the journey for hours, any normal human would stop and rest but she didn't have a second rest not even a drop of water to quench her maddening thirst, but she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of her appalling plight by complaining.

She watched as he took out a bottle of water and gulped down the contents, the water sparkled under the dim moonlight and she found herself salivating. He gulped down every last sparkly drop without sparing her a glance.

He was a ruthless vampire king and she was nothing but his prisoner and worse, his enemy, so why would he care about her wellbeing or even show her empathy? He loathed humans, so empathy was the last thing he'd show to them.

She continued with the endless journey and she wondered for a split second if he was just going around in circles to torture her but logically, they hadn't arrived at the palace yet because of her as it would be impossible for her to be alive if the horse moved with high acceleration and she needed to be alive for her torture.

But why wouldn't he just let her climb on the horse too, in other for their journey to be quick? Obviously to torture her, her torture had started since she became his prisoner and he would treat her nothing less than rubbish like he perceived humans to be.

She let out a faint sigh of exasperation but she was sure he'd hear it, he was a vampire after all.

Her stomach grumbled softly for food she knew was not going to be delivered anytime soon unless a miracle of some sort took place. She ignored her grumbling stomach and continued walking through the dark forest as she followed behind the horse.

Her eyelids became heavy and she almost tripped, but she forced herself to open them and quickly regained her balance. The cold air emanating from the forest didn't help, her eyelids became heavier and she found herself drowning deep into slumber.

Draco heard a soft thud behind and he pulled the reins of his horse to a halt before veering around to see his prisoner lying on the floor and sleeping soundly.

His empty crimson red eyes stopped on her slim figure hidden inside the armour she wore, her black long hair sprayed on the muddy floor, she wasn't dead although he narrowly wished she was.

He could hear her heart beating faintly which made it obvious she was alive, he still needed to torture her, so he didn't want to leave her behind, all though he could and let her live the rest of her life in regret and guilt but it would be more fun if he attained the pleasure from her torture.

He stared at the figure on the floor for a second with a dreary countenance before moving toward her.


Rama's eyes fluttered open with a feeling of lightheadedness before gaining full observation of her surroundings as she screened her eyes around.

The stone floor she lay underneath was as cold as ice and when she scrutinized her surroundings, she realized she was locked in a dungeon and they had arrived at the vampire palace, but how? She remembered she had passed out cold on the floor unless the vampire king carried her, although it was a feat that seemed almost impossible.

Why would the ruthless vampire king waste a muscle just to bring her to the palace and torture her? Sure he had better things to do with his time than torturing a stubborn queen, right?

The place was damp and eerily cold with stone walls and vertical iron bars which separated her from freedom. There was no light or window in the place, it felt as though she was the only one there as she couldn't hear a sound or catch a glimpse of anyone.

The small cell was stuffy and cold, she felt lighter than before and she soon realized her armor had been ripped off her body, leaving her clothed in the shirt and pants she had worn.

Only her shaky breath echoed back to her as she crouched down on one corner of the cell, knees pressed against her chest as she rubbed her arms together, trying to derive warmth from the cold place.

The small nap she had made her feel a lot better, though she was still hungry but she felt more energized than before to exchange a word or two with the vampire king, she knew her sharp tongue and defiance would serve her a good punishment but she didn't care, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing her in pain without stabbing him with her words.

Her teeth gritted in anger when she realized her Empire laid in ruins and was gone perpetually, along with the people she cared about. Anguish, guilt and grief overwhelmed her, but most of all rage.