Bloodthirsty Maniac

Rama's eyes shut close in weariness and she found herself succumbing into unconsciousness as everything went black.

The dim light disrupted her sleep and she moaned softly as she stretched in the soft bed with eyes closed. She turned her head to the side, away from where the sunlight peeked behind the velvet curtains.

The soft mattress she was lying on felt familiar like her queen sized one and she wondered if the horrible incidents she had experienced in the past few days were all a very long nightmare that haunted her the previous night in her sleep.

But Rama didn't open her eyes, she wanted to replenish and savor the moment of her Empire not being destroyed, herself not enslaved and taken as captive by the vampire king and Roshan not beheaded in front of her, it was all a vivid and distressing nightmare, but a tiny smile appeared on her lips knowing none of those horrible things had happened to her.

It was all a dream.