An Enigmatic Devil

 Rama strode down to the hallway where Reina had directed the room she shared with her and Malika. 

 She would check up on Malika the next day after she was feeling much better as she was feeling a bit hazy in the head after Draco's bloody meal. 

 She rubbed on her thigh where she felt the faint burning sting from his bite and her face twisted in disgust. She would have been stunned by his discourteous and shameless personality, but she wouldn't be anticipating a gentleman like behaviour from a night creature and most definitely not from Draco.

 She opened the door gradually with a slight creaking noise before she emerged into the tiny compartment area with four low mattresses with two on either side of the room opposite each other. 

 Not much was to be seen, candles were lit on the small table to enact it's dim light on the small room with no one occupying it, but her and she wondered where Reina and the other maid was.