Spill The Blood

 "We've told you what you want. Now leave!" The seers shrieked in anger as their obsidian eyes glowed with rage at Draco.

 "Not what I want to hear. Do you think I'm that stupid not to know? The humans and witches conspiring together to kill me. I need more, they're onto something big, so spill or the snake's blood won't be the only thing I'll be spilling." Draco threatened with a low growl and heavy silence ensued for a lengthened moment. 

 "They're trying to divert your attention from them with the attacks. The humans and witches aren't the only ones who wants you dead, stronger forces are coming to spill your blood." The seers said and a loud cackle erupted from their lips. 

 "Who or what?" Draco queried demandingly with impatience.