Choose Your Words Wisely

 "Did you try to dagger my heart in my sleep, feisty princess?"

 His low husky voice whisked its way into her ears in a guttural sense. It was seductive and at the same time filled with menace, which made it seem even more dangerous. 

 She gulped ever slowly, trying to maintain a neutral face as she parted her lips open to speak, while blocking her intrusive thoughts from spilling the truth in her head before it was voiced out. 

 She knew not to act in the bit nervous because it would give him just the answer he was looking for, but when he leaned closer and his red eyes were peering right into hers, she shivered at the piercing coldness and dispassion emitted from his souless eyes. 

 "That's a blatant accusation, If I wanted to, I wouldn't have tried, I'd have done it." She stated with a slightly high pitched voice, but his predatory aura made her almost shift her feet back, even though he wasn't doing anything other than staring.