Definitely Not...

 "Why would Draco keep werewolves as pets?" Rama blurted out as she and Malika walked down the dim hallway. 

 "From what I heard, normal wolves are weak compared to them, and the werewolves are from the first bloodline of the pure alpha breeds." Malika said as she tilted her head slightly to the side in uncertainty. 

 "The first alpha breeds." Rama repeated in confusion.

 "He's probably keeping them as a trophy, but why for so long? It's ironic." Rama muttered thoughtfully. 

 The pure alpha bred werewolves were the first bloodline of werewolves to saunter the face of the earth, and portray the knowledge of their existence to the rest of the world and other supernatural creatures. 

 "How long do you think they've been there?" Malika queried with a sympathetic tone. 

 "Long enough to have grandkids." Rama said in a clipped tone.