It Wasn't A Wet Dream

 "You came for lord Zamiel?" Amon remarked with creased brows in confusion and everyone's attention immediately dropped on her. 

 Malika immediately averted her gaze away from him, she could feel the heat rising on her cheeks in mortification, she wanted to disappear into the ground at that moment and cease to exist from that embarrassing moment.

 "Of course not." She said defensively, making her swallow hard as she squirmed in her chair uncomfortably. 

 Even though she wasn't looking, she could feel the burning gaze of Damien's mother. One of her sons were already in a forbidden union, she wouldn't be delighted about the other being in one. 

 She heard a snicker erupt from Onyx and then they were speaking, but everything sounded muffled as embarrassment washed over her. She bit her bottom lips hard enough to draw blood, the metallic taste coating her tongue.