The White Witch's Market

 Rama swallowed, her mind was torn between whether to figure out what her dark future held in store for her or be left in the dark.

 Once again, her intrusive thoughts won over her rational mind. It was better for her to gain the truth behind the seers prophecies, since her burning curiosity wouldn't let her be in peace, even though Damien gaining knowledge of the truth was a risk, one she was willing to take for answers.

 At least, Draco's cat and mouse games would end and probably her damned wedding too, which would automatically lead to Damien's knowledge of their intimate encounters. 

 After her endless pondering, she let out a heavy sigh as she declared out "Show me."

 The white which nodded faintly as she took off the black cloth clad over the orb to reveal a silver crystal orb. 

 "Place your hands on it." The white which instructed as she moved the orb towards her.