Dragon Tattoo

 At that moment as he scrubbed her with delicate pressure, he was a stark contrast to his cruel nature, the darkness and ferocity he embodied and yet at the same time, there was a dark seductive pull underneath every slight graze of his fingertips against her skin.

 She closed her eyes subconsciously at the strangely soothing feel of him washing her, it was odd but relaxing. 

 With every movement he made, his muscles flexed, she felt the overpowering impulse to caress the ripples of muscles adorning his strong shoulders and sinewy arms, the urge to trace the layers of muscles on his chest and torso. 

 The absence of his gentle touch on her arms suddenly snapped her back to reality, her eyes widening in every second and if it could go any wider, it would probably pop out of their sockets.