Paint The Town Red

 A knock disrupted her out of her thoughts, snapping her back to reality as she quickly opened it to meet Malika, her amber eyes twin orbs of windows to obliviousness and a lingering emptiness of the memories she and Zamiel had once shared. 

 She wondered if Zamiel hadn't noticed it since he didn't talk about it when she called for him, but then she reasoned that if he did, he wouldn't actually call her out for it. It was Zamiel, the stoic bastard. 

 "Your Highness, you called for me?" Malika said warily as she stole a peek into the room.

 "Don't worry, come in. He's not here." Rama spoke as she pulled the hesitant girl in. 

 "Oh." She mumbled out as she came in to meet the empty room. 

 "Are you alright? You've been looking gloomy, everytime I and the maids prepared you, but I didn't want to say anything because of the maids." Malika pointed out.