Treacherous Path

 Malika's short legs trembled unnervingly as she ran through the forest path she took, not glancing back even once as she continued to delve deeper. 

 Her heavy breathing echoed back to her as it resonated in the forest, eerie tree branches reached out to her like claws beckoning her closer into the unfamiliar path she ventured.

 She halted when she realized she had took the wrong path, eyes darting around the darkness and the eerie withered trees surrounding her. She veered around to go back, but she knew he was behind her, so if she did make a choice to go back, it would be her walking right into his arms. 

 Swallowing deeply, she looked straight ahead and continued forging forward. She reasoned maybe if she was close to the carnival, a vampire might hear her screams for help. 

 With determination, she yelled with a croak voice "HELP!!! HELP!!!" while she ran through the treacherous path.