Mystic Air

 Every word that rolled off his lips so earnestly, engraved itself to her head like an imbellible memory.

 Yet again, he struck her speechless, making her body quiver with this unseen force that surged through her body like an electric wave. His endearing vow would always resonate in her head like an ancient motto. 

 "That was unexpected..but surprisingly lovely." She managed to say with a small voice, a smile breaking through her pale pink lips with flushed cheeks. 

 "For my feisty princess, I can be so much more." He teased, but a hint of seriousness hardened his eyes as he caressed her cheeks.

 Her heart flustered more times than she could count, she timidly tore her gaze from his own, but his steady eyes on her made her breath hitch, he always made her nervous, he made her heart flutter like a thousand butterfly wings and her brain go numb with pleasure.