
 At that moment, he was no longer the devil's son or a vampire king, she could see the reflection of a broken childhood and an empty soul devoid of affection, one yearning to be seen, heard and accepted, but as he narrated the ordeal of his hideous past, there was no hurt or pain in his eyes, there was only an abyss of emptiness sucking out every whiff of feeling.

 His voice was impassive and cold as he spoke, every word reeling with a fathomable darkness, his story had been nothing but tragic, breaking him in and out, it wasn't surprising he became a heartless mad man after the events that had transpired in his past. 

 She listened attentively till he narrated to the end. As he spoke of murdering every single person in the castle, his crimson eyes lit up with a sadistic glint, a fiendish grin split his lips open while he ran his tongue over his canines in reminiscence, playing the images vividly in his head.