My Demon Knight

 {One hour before the invasion: Malika's side story}

 It was early noon, Malika tended to the garden, she didn't have to as a handmaiden, since she was in a higher rank but it was one of the less tedious chores she loved to revel in, also she had fallen in love with the exotic garden. 

 Earlier, she had scanned the castle for lord Zamiel so she could request for him to escort her to the bookshop in a bid to spend some time with him, but she hadn't come across him and even though he had informed her to call for him anytime, she still felt reluctant to go to his chambers and disturb him. 

 At first, she wanted to push everything aside, summon up the courage and go to him, but her demure nature overwhelmed her. Days had passed since their unexpected kiss in the lake under the crimson moon but she hadn't caught a single glimpse of him since then. She wondered where he disappeared off to, or maybe he was simply avoiding her after their strange encounter.