Trials And Temptations

"You're not like me son, you're a rebirth of me. You are me." Lucifer's voice rang in a low, guttural vociferation, making the stone pillars rumble.

Draco's skin sizzled with vaporizing steam, his jaws clenching as he fought to resist the indisputable call of darkness, the alluring hands of melancholy drawing him to his infernal lineage.

Shaking his head, he let out a tempestuous snarl "I am nothing like you!" The place boomed with his thunderous growl reverberating like a sinister echo through the air.

Lucifer scoffed with a skeptical look in his eyes, one that made Draco question himself for a millisecond.

Standing barely an inch away from him, their eyes locked, their burning orbs reflecting into each other's "You are everything like me! Look me in the eyes and deny it." Lucifer hissed beneath his breath, his voice coated with petrifying melancholy dripping with every word.