
{Malika & Zamiel's side story}

Finally, after a few days of learning how to wield her angelic abilities, her training came to an end and so did the quality time they spent together, the side glances he stole of her and the faint smile brushing his lips discreetly while he watched her laugh was now a lingering memory in her head.

In the past few days, he had opened up to her, his emotions and vulnerable sides had been disclosed to her proficiency, like a blooming flower whose petals had been unfurled to the world.

Stealing side glances at him, she would gape at his otherworldly beauty while his attention was stolen for a second. She would watch his hazel strands dance hypnotically with the wind on a windy day, his reddish hazel eyes that were cold and callous now retained slight pinch of warmth in them, a warmth that only she was aware of.