Wish For Death

"Lord Zamiel." Valerie shrieked in a low voice as she struggled up on her feet, wiping the blood smeared on her lips to look presentable as she feigned a smile. Regardless of him attacking her less than a minute ago, she still seemed to desperate to have him as her eyes glimmered with affection.

He turned around to face her, his soft eyes suddenly turning hard with a steely gaze on her.

"She's lying, isn't she? She's not your mate!" Valerie shrieked as she frantically shook her head, as if trying to persuade him to lie to her.

Taking quick strides toward her, his hand flew to her neck within the speed of light as he pinned her roughly against the wall, his grip around her throat tightening with each second as he squeezed the air out of her lungs.

Her limbs flailed as she struggled to release herself with futile efforts from his grip, but it was useless as expected.