
Walking into the painting room, she felt as if she had walked into another world, one contrasting to the luxurious castle were tall velvet tapestries adorned the wall and every inch of the floor was covered in marble tiles or expensive rugs.

No ridiculously high ceilings above her or lavish items occupying every inch of the place, rather it was....simple and slightly messy, portraying the regular visits of an ordinary man who loved to paint in his favorite spot where the prying eyes and ears of others would not be upon him.

But then, as she walked further, surveying the vicinity, she realized how long it had been since it was occupied. Sliding one finger over the surface of a table, she accumulated dust on her fingertip.

"This place..hasn't been cleaned for a while." She pointed out with furrowed brows, wondering why the maids wouldn't bother to clean up the king's private painting room even though he had disappeared.