
She wanted to snap at him, but she turned away with a despairing countenance, looking at the window rather than his face. She could still feel the sting of her banishment like it had happened only a few seconds ago, she was only a little girl, she didn't deserve their cruelty or mockery.

"I apologize if I said something triggering." She heard Aldric's voice ring from opposite her.

With slow motion, she turned to face him and her countenance returned to neutral "Your apology is accepted." She said with a sharp voice, refusing to look weak in front of him.

The atmosphere between them crackled with tension, like a storm brewing on the horizon. They were adversaries, bound by fate and circumstance, yet there was an undeniable connection that pulsed between them like a current of electricity. Each was keenly aware of the other's presence, their gazes locked in a silent battle of wills.