Feel Me

"Fine, no dare. But Zoya, that's enough, get dressed so we can leave already." Aldric said, his voice suppressed with frustration.

"Saying it for the umpteenth time won't make me listen." Zoya said, the mischievous glint in her eyes similar to the naughty smirk playing on her lips.

"Right." Aldric muttered.

"What I want is very easy, just admit what you want and I'll get dressed immediately, after all I'm not barbaric enough to want to fuck you in a dress shop, tsk." She scoffed nonchalantly.

His brows furrowed at her unfiltered words "I don't know why I keep getting surprised when you speak, I should be expecting it already." He murmured loudly as he leaned against the wall.

"Admit it." Zoya said.

His eyes narrowed to her as he asked in a flat tone clearly not interested in whatever game she was trying to play "Admit what?"