Sacrifice And Escape

It was all too easy, Zoya almost felt doubt growing in her heart at how easy it had been to steal the flaming crystal and how even more easy it was to leave the Dragonspire with the flaming crystal without being caught.

After the long day, they spent the day together in a small inn, eating to garner their strength before proceeding for their escape at nightfall.

After taking a rest, the night came and darkness enveloped the land. They swiftly left the inn and proceeded toward the barrier.

Again, it was easier than she thought as they crossed the barrier and proceeded into the forest. Fortunately for her, her horse was still where she had left it. She scurried to her horse and gave it a pat while it welcomed her heartily.

"Here." Aldric nudged at her as he gave her the bag where the flaming crystal was.

She darted her eyes from the bag to his face as her brows creased in confusion.