Breaking Out

Falka was at chaos with her mind as she stood at the doorstep, watching the heavily guarded gates. The security was right, but she doubted that there would be any doubts among them if they saw a member of the council leaving.

Although, she could easily walk through the gates, it would be slightly suspicious of her to just leave by foot, so she needed a better idea.

Pretending to be a council member and the highest ranking order of the kingdom, she needed to leave not by foot, but perhaps by horse? She pondered.

As Falka's eyes scoured through the open courtyard, it fell on a few carriages scattered throughout the place.

Leaving by carriage seemed like the best option but Falka didn't have too much time to ponder so she walked toward the carriage, but she couldn't be quick with her steps in order not to ruin her disguise.