Secrets Unveiled

As they walked silently through the forest path, Falka watched him from behind as he led her to the castle. She was a bit skeptical of their motive yet and she still wasn't ready to let her guard down.

They arrived at the castle and the gates opened for them. Walking behind Ares, she hid her small frame in his shadows, in a bid to avoid the prying stares from the servants and guards.

Finally, they entered the castle and her eyes scoured through the magnificent building. Gold tapestries lined the walls, stretching up to the high ceiling and underneath her feet were marble floors.

Ares led her through the high spiral staircase winding up to the second floor. He led her to a door after a few moments of walking and they halted.

"I'll send a few maids over." Ares said and walked away, while she stood by the door, watching his retreating back until he disappeared.