Show Me....

Lothaire had wanted to watch Larisa's sleeping face longer but he heard that the Emperials had arrived and he wondered what they were doing there so early.

Lothaire walked into the meeting chamber with the royal family present, the Emperials stood upon his entrance to address the matter in hand. Adina, Avian, Onyx and Zion were the names of the four Emperials.

"We're not going to waste your time, we're only going to tell you to take her back." Adina stated, making her points clear, she had short black hair with pale features and she was gorgeous but her harsh facial expression was a barrier.

Lothaire sat on a chair with legs crossed, obviously unaffected by her words. Onyx a red haired Emperial quickly chipped in, her peaceful aura would make one think the situation wasn't as serious as it seemed.