The Goddess

Larisa fluttered her long lashes as she woke up and suddenly memories of last night came flooding into her head, a red hue formed on her cheeks as she remembered how hot and intense last night was and how he almost lost control but after that her eyes became heavy and she drowned into a deep sleep.

She thanked God that Lothaire wasn't on the bed as embarrassment washed all over her face, she buried her face in her palm as she noticed she was wearing nothing but her panties.

She wrapped the duvet around her chest as she scurried into the bathroom before anyone would see her, not that anyone would just barge in but still she did.


Lothaire was seated in the dining with the Emperials along with Darius and Valerie as they discussed.

"You're lucky your head's not rolling off the ground, Avian.." Lothaire said firstly with a menacing look as he glared at Avian who sat not bothered with his stoic expression.