In Love?

Zion was busy teaching Larisa archery but she sucked at it.

"Aim with your sight, you're using your hands." Zion scolded playfully.

"No matter what I aim with, I just suck." Larisa complained pouting her lips at him.

"You're cute." He said grinning. Her eyes suddenly diverted to the beautiful darkness coming her way. It was Lothaire wearing a look that could kill and she wondered what had gone wrong this time but his eyes were fixed on Zion.

Zion who was still grinning wondered what had messed up Lothaire's mood.

"Whats.." Zion's words were cut off with Lothaire's big hand on the back of his neck and he winced in pain.

"Arghh!" Zion screamed loudly.

"I told you to keep her company, not flirt with my woman!" Lothaire had a dark grin on his face as he enjoyed watching Zion's face twist in pain. Larisa was flustered when he called her his woman and she couldn't help but smile inwardly as her cheeks reddened.