
Lothaire's voice was hard and cold, it lacked emotion and she knew he meant it just by looking at his cold eyes.

She realized just how unloving and heartless his mother must have been towards him and how hard it was for him to grow without the love of a mother but with resentment and hatred darkening his heart. She wondered if he would have been different if his mother loved him.

"It's okay to feel that way, no one should ever have a mother who doesn't love them." Larisa said softly.

"I don't care anymore Larisa so you don't have to give me the whole speech thing." He said with a sarcastic smirk on his face. Larisa rolled her eyes, she was trying to make him feel better and he was making a joke out of it.

"Fine, so how about you explain to me what's going on, I've been dying to know." Larisa said quickly before she forgot.

"It'll be a bit puzzling but since you want to know..." Larisa interrupted impatiently.