Lucifer knew Lothaire would take the blazing sword out of his chest in time before the sorceress would come any closer to his breed mate, that was why he was so laid back about doing anything to rescue Larisa but he could hear the thoughts of someone, who had doubt that anyone would be able to save Larisa, as she thought the devil had tricked them all and she was determined to step in to save her life, even though he could hear her heart racing rapidly and she was obviously scared, but either way it worked well with him, so he didn't mind her risking her life as a distraction to take out the sorceress, so long his plan worked out.
The sorceress was about to crawl towards Larisa in inhuman speed but she had barely started when someone charged towards her with a flash and stabbed her chest with a stake which surprised everyone, but she missed her heart and within a split second the sorceress hand squeezed her neck viciously as she glared at her with black dark eyes.