Mysterious Stranger II

Anne froze on her steps as her eyes locked with Lothaire's menacing and intimidating one, he was inhumanely gorgeous, tall and his features were just perfect but he was also terrifying.

She was a tough girl and she had never felt intimidated or scared by anyone no matter how powerful or dangerous the person was but at that moment, she shuddered in fear just by staring at those cold golden eyes of his that emanated darkness from within, she had never met someone like him.

All her life she had been introduced to dangerous men by her father but she could sense the raw evil coming from him and she wondered how on earth her innocent friend got acquainted with such a dangerous man.

Larisa noticed her friend's reaction when she saw Lothaire but she wasn't surprised knowing exactly what he was and she knew she wouldn't hear the last of it from her because she would be worried about her seeing the dangerous man that she was in a relationship with.