Heart Racing

They reached the apartment and Lothaire explained to her more clearly that Danny was responsible for the attack on him.

"What?!" Larisa exclaimed, stunned at his words. Danny was a nice kid and he didn't seem like someone capable of doing such a thing, she would never thought Danny would go to that extent to kill Lothaire because of her which was obvious that he tried to kill Lothaire because he was in love with her. Larisa had no idea who his family were so she was in disbelief that he had hired people to get rid of him.

"Why would he do that?" She murmured to herself but Lothaire heard her clearly.

"Isn't it obvious? He's hopelessly in love with you and the only thing standing in his way was me." Lothaire explained but she knew very well the reason why but his actions were utterly unexpected.

"W...Was he I..in the van?" She stuttered in fear.