A Mad Plan

Back in Empire D....

The Emperials,Felix and Darius engaged in a conversation at the meeting hall. Avian shared his plans with them and Adina and Zion stared at him wide eyed with open mouths but Darius and Felix stared at him thoughtfully.

"What?! Have you gone insane, Avian?!" Adina exclaimed with a shocked expression in utter disbelief. She couldn't believe her ears on what Avian was planning to do, it was simply madness to her.

Avian kept silent with a stoic expression, he knew Adina and Zion would find his plans outrageous but he trusted Darius to give it a thought.

"The only insane thing that's going to happen is letting Lothaire release Hela." Avian finally broke the silence.

"As much as releasing Hela sounds awful, your plan is just as bad! What if it doesn't work? He'll send us all to hell." Adina stated logically.

"It'll work....Probably." Avian said confidently and they stared at him in silence for a moment.