Breed Mates

Lothaire sat at the dining room waiting for Larisa while she went to call her friend. Larisa barged into her room to see her friend standing in front of the mirror, looking all dolled up or rather sexy.

Anne was busy straightening her blonde hair to let it fall to her sides when Larisa barged in.

Anne was wearing a black tight top over black mini skirt that exposed her beautiful legs, her face was free of make up as she was already beautiful but she applied more gloss to her red lips to make it look more luscious.

"Who on earth are you getting ready for?" Larisa asked with a teasing smile on her lips and she saw a blush creep to Anne's cheeks and she wondered who made her blush because the Anne she knew would never blush for a man.

"I met..." Anne trailed off as she stared at the roof, trying to remember the name of the silver haired man Larisa had told her about.