C5. Synchronisation (2)

In this world, there was an awakening phenomenon called 'enlightenment.' Often called the first qualification to becoming a Hero, enlightenment was a form of personal insight said to occur when a person surpassed one's limits.

Active-duty Heroes were all enlightened. But because numerous experiences and training were required to reach enlightenment, most cadets had yet to experience enlightenment. Of course, there were exceptions like Kim Suho or Shin Jonghak. They were enlightened at the age of 15 and 17, respectively.

An enlightened person could see their Gift, skills, and abilities objectively, and thus train more efficiently. Furthermore, enlightenment allowed one to acquire 'clear rewards' from Towers and Dungeons.

The Hero Association called this phenomenon the 'status window.' It was an established fact that a status window could only be seen by its owner.

But because I liked exceptions, I also put in exceptions to this setting.

In place of one's eyes, one could use other sensory organs or other mediums such as a book or a weapon to see one's own status. Special enlightenment naturally came with special powers. Though it was a bit of a spoiler, the main character would undergo two enlightenments because of this setting.

"... Is this that?"

According to my setting, this laptop could be said to be a medium for enlightenment.

I began to grow a bit excited. No one hated being special.

But rather than being happy, analyzing the situation came first.

When I hit the Enter key on the keyboard, several windows popped up.

===[Synchronization Complete]===

===[Kim Chundong's status reset. Kim Hajin's status transferred.]===

===[All status reset. 10 Points acquired.]===

[Kim Hajin] [Current SP: 64]


*Variable Stats

[Strength 1.2]

[Stamina 1.3]

[Speed 1.5]

[Perception 2]

[Vitality 1.3]

[Magic power 1]

*Invariable Stats

[Intelligence – 4.105/10]

[Perseverance – 5.010/10]

[Luck – 6.330/10]

[Charm – 4.135/10]

Point: 10 (Will disappear in 10 days if not used)


「Observation and Reading」

[Null attribute]


You can observe the characters in your vision


Any time you want, you can read the laptop's settings book without a medium.

▷Arts (0/3)


▷Physique (0/3)


▷Setting Intervention [Authority]

—Using SP, you can modify or add settings to a non-living target.

—Using SP and relating to target 'Kim Hajin', you can modify or add settings to stats, Gift, Art, and Physique.

*Novice Consideration: Once only, you can write a Gift worth 10,000 SP free of cost.

*SP (Story Point): As Kim Hajin's importance increases in the world, you gain more SP. You can exchange Points with SP.


—Will be unlocked when the main story completes.


The first words to catch my attention were "synchronization" and "reset".

I didn't know what that meant, but I knew it was what changed my name from Kim Chundong to Kim Hajin and gave me my face back. My stats also seemed to have been adjusted appropriately.

Compared to Chundong, I was much weaker, but I obtained 10 spare Points as compensation. With Points, I should be able to raise the stats I want.

"... Points are really nice."

As the world's creator, I was well aware of the importance of Points. An average adult had 1.5 points in each stat. Furthermore, this world didn't have a concept like leveling-up. So 'Points', which could raise one's desired stats, were extremely rare and expensive, obtainable only from Towers or Dungeons.

Kim Suho's current magic power stat should be around 9. In other words, if I put the 10 Points I had into raising my magic power, my magic power would come to surpass Kim Suho's...


That wasn't the best plan. With only a stupidly high magic power, I would have to become a magician, but being a magician was exhausting. Not only was it expensive, it also required extreme effort and memorization. I would need to increase both intelligence and perseverance, but invariable stats couldn't be raised even with Points.

In other words, being a magician was out of the picture.

"...What's up with the three question marks?"

The next line to catch my attention was obviously the suspicious question marks.



—Will be unlocked when the main story completes.


It was what caught my attention next after synchronization and reset.

Unlocked when the main story completes.

Perhaps, this was the key to going back. Even if it wasn't, it was the only clue I had.

The problem was that I didn't know when the main story would end. If it referred to the storyline before I went on hiatus, I would have to wait 10 years at the very least...

One thought led to another.

First, I had to find a way to go back home. To achieve that, I needed power or authority. To achieve power or authority, I needed something called 'SP'. To obtain SP, I needed to get involved in the storyline. To do that, I needed to get stronger or stand out.

A gun met both of these conditions.

First was power.

A gun didn't require high stats to be useful. Close ranged weapons like the spear or sword required equal distribution into all stats. While the importance of the stamina stat was less for a bow, the other stats were still necessary. On the other hand, speed, perception, and a tiny bit of magic power were enough to use a gun.

In other words, it was easier to meet the 'minimum strength' requirement with a gun.

The second was specialness.

No Hero in this world used a gun. That was more than enough to make me special.

So it seemed I should continue using the gun. At least, until my stats increased and I was mentally ready to fight monsters at close range.

With my main weapon decided, I could move on to the next topic.


"...I can create my Gift."

A Gift held a special meaning for Heroes, but it still held on to its dictionary meaning.

Since invariable stats were 'invariable', I shouldn't be able to change them. In that case, I had to pick from variable stats.


I might be able to modify invariable stats.

"... Should I exchange them for SP?"

Points could be exchanged with SP. Perhaps, it was possible to change invariable stats using SP.

But before making an irreversible mistake, I decided to give it a test. Thankfully, I had 64 SP, so I tried changing perseverance stat from 5.010 to 5.500.

[Using 64 SP, you modified an invariable stat.]

[You do not have enough SP. The value will be adjusted. Perseverance was changed to 5.060.]

"It worked?"

My eyes widened. If this worked, what I should do next was obvious. I had to convert my Points into SP and invest in invariable stats.

The question was which stat to choose...

Intelligence. Perseverance. Luck. Charm.

To be honest, as a man, the charm was extremely enticing.

"Luck it is."

But I knew all too well how important the luck stat was in this world.

I remembered a line from my novel.

[Luck stat doesn't just affect the chances of finding treasures in Dungeons. It also affects chances of getting bonus stats from training, chances to land a critical strike from attacks, and even chances to win a lottery. It was the best stat that applied to all sorts of situations...

Life was like that. Luck was what mattered the most.]

Without hesitating any longer, I used 10 Points to gain 10,000 SP.

Using all 10,000 SP, I increased luck to its maximum.

What I wanted was [Luck — 10/10]

[You do not have enough SP. The value will be adjusted.]