
The wind was her companion as she walked alone in the desolate street. It was not that busy at this side of Avalon, maybe it could be because not much people resided at the area due to the royal castle being erected there. If it was in her vicinity, by now all the villagers had already rose to start work, and the streets burstling like the people had not even slept at all awaiting the morning. Her neighborhood was a place for hustlers.

Hermione walked slowly, the was absolutely nothing on her mind it was as blank as an empty white piece of paper. Doing this always made her feel free for some reasons unknown to her. It blocked her out from reality, immersing her in a world of her own, making her revel in that extremity of how it felt to not be alive, and she felt serene peace in that. It was as though fate gave her that ability to take a break from her miserable life.