Recollections Of The Past

A whole week had gone by and yet nothing. 

The mere thoughts of him being away weighed her down alot. For a week now she had not seen him nor heard about him. The was this disturbing feelings in her mind that kept ringing to her that something was not right. 

Her mind was her own terrorizer in this big ordeal. She felt as though all this kept happening because for her, the thought that it was her her fault was too persistent in her mind. 

She had made up her mind already. That she was going to fix things her own way. The method she always finally pertains to at the end. Running away. She guess it's time already. 

A sad and brooding feeling loomed her mind on the thought of leaving just like that. But it was going to be until the Prince returns. She has to make sure that he'll be back safe first, before leaving his life alone and restoring the peace that she distorted in the first place.