Not-So-Gone Cough

The quadrangle was booming with the beautiful yet bleak humming of the gloomy black haired girl who absently was trying to get a mango fruit to fall from high up its height. The thickness of the stalk didn't offer much help to her overwrought self. 

Her face wore an annoyed frown as the hilt of the stick she made use of, bounced back and landed its firmness on her white and smooth forehead.

"Damn." She cursed out loud with a grimace. Her hand moved to placate the slight redness she had absentmindedly inflicted on her herself.

"Get lost." The timber made a clamant sound as it collided with the sandy ground.

"Everything keeps getting bad, I can't even get a single fruit for myself. What could go wrong next?" A pout showed on her pink lips, her face contorted in unhappiness.