Meeting a friend

The bus has just arrived at the school, when leaving it Arthur is faced with a scene never seen before in his life, he looked at all the children outside of it, there were children running around, children crying to their parents saying they didn't want to entering, a child eating grass while sitting ... that vision was recorded in Arthur's head and seeing so many people of his age and so different from him, he only managed to speak a word in the face of such a situation.

-Amazing ... (Arthur)


The school signal goes off, signaling that the class would start and in a magic step all the children that were there disappeared, Arthur was amazed by that, that signal for him was like the trumpet blown by angels, warning mortals to prepare for the apocalypse to come. With time he also entered the school, however the vision that he had seen before was no longer within, it was as if freedom and joy were completely sucked away. Entering his room he noticed a group of girls giggling at his arrival and a group of boys staring at him. He ignores the situation and sits down at a desk, however soon after a boy from the group gets up and goes towards him, the room is silent by a bookcase, he reaches Arthur and sits beside him.

- What´s up? (?)

With a little doubt and uncertainty about what would happen, Arthur responds in a low and clear tone.

-Hi. (Arthur)

-You are new here right? (?)

-Yes. (Arthur)

-Pleasure. My name is Miguel. (Miguel)

The boy said, extending his hand to Arthur, who answered by shaking his hand back.

- Mine is Arthur. (Arthur)

-Come, sit with us. (Miguel)

Arthur gets up, picks up his backpack and goes to the group of boys. When sitting next to them a girl looks at him and waves, he finding that kind of strange waves back slowly, making her laugh.

After school it was time for lunch everyone gets up to go to the canteen.

-Arthur comes with us, we'll get a seat there. (Miguel)

-I'm going, I'm just going to get one thing. (Arthur)

-Ok, we'll wait for you there then. (Miguel)

Arthur looks for his snack to take to the table when he realizes that only a boy with glasses had stayed in the room, he was curious to see what the boy was doing and saw him fiddling with some wires and a small lamp, wondering what the boy he was doing he kept watching him, until the boy put some wires together and turns on the lamp, seeing that, Arthur couldn't help himself.

-Uuuooooouuuhh! That was incredible. (Arthur)

The boy frightened by not having noticed Arthur's presence quickly hides the object.

-What are you doing here? (?)

-As well? This is my office. (Arthur)

- Shouldn't you be with the guys having a snack now? (?)

-Hmmm ... yes, but I was not finding my snack. (Arthur)

The boy after hearing this starts to get down and with his head down as if he is trying not to leave many areas of his body exposed.

-You can laugh if you want. I'm used to it. (?)

-Laugh? Why would I laugh at that? I found it super cool. You are like a wizard casting spells. (Arthur)

-Like a wizard? (?)

-Yes! You created light out of nothing. (Arthur)

-It's not that incredible, anyone can do that. (?)

-No! It's incredibly incredible, I could never do that. You're like Merlin compared to me. (Arthur)

-Merlin? (?)

-Yes, Merlin! The greatest of all magicians, the one who manages to turn everything he imagines into reality. (Arthur)

When the girl saw Arthur speak with such enthusiasm and gestured with such fervor as he spoke, he started to laugh at such an unexpected situation.

-You're funny. My name is Leon, yours is Arthur isn't it? (Leon)

-Ughhh, as expected of a great magician, even knows my name. (Arthur)

-No ... I only heard you talking at the beginning of class. (Leon)

After talking, Arthur takes his lunch and goes with Leon to the canteen, he would introduce it to the people he just met. But things did not go as he planned, it became clear when he got close to them and Miguel got up furious.

-Hey Arthur! What's with the four-eyes on your side? (Miguel)

What do you mean four-eyes he obviously only has two? (Arthur)

Arthur was too innocent to understand what was happening right away.

-I met him in the room before coming here, Leon is a great magician who can create light with some strings. (Arthur)

Miguel approaches the boy who was obviously embarrassed by what Arthur said and unsure of someone looking at him so closely.

-Huh, he is weird that yes. A loser! (Miguel)

Leon after hearing this is extremely sad, he felt that he was thrown aside and forgotten, as if no one wanted to be by his side. However, he was wrong about that.

-He's not a loser! He's a great magician! (Arthur)

-Arthur ... if I said he is a loser then he is a loser. (Miguel)

Arthur now understands what his father said earlier, about the existence of certain people, but regardless of what they say, it would not change the fact of who you are.

-No matter what you say ... it will remain incredible. (Arthur)

-Look Arthur, I put up with this behavior of yours too, I was a nice guy until now. If you don't stop, I will hit you. (Miguel)

-Coward ... (Arthur)

-What did you say? (Miguel)

-My father said that only beats others who are cowards. No matter what you do, I will not fight back, because only someone who is a coward hit... (Arthur)

Miguel did not wait for Arthur to finish speaking and hit him with a punch, right after hitting the punch he smiled and exuded an air of superiority.

-Who is the coward now? (Miguel)

-You ... because punching someone standing still makes a coward succeed. (Arthur)

At that moment, the students who were around began to make a peculiar noise, but that instigated someone's snubbing. Miguel started to get furious with people making fun of him for being called a coward, he tries to attack Arthur again, but he is stopped by Leon who held one of his legs, causing him to lose his balance and face the ground. The students were silent, which was soon broken by Miguel's cry for falling, one of the teachers had to help him while the rest of the students laughed at him and called him a crybaby.