The Eagle and The Bear

As they were speaking, the combatants there were slowly picking up the pace.

Cao Xuan started a blistering offensive, using his Iron Bear technique to charge at Zhuge Jin. When he approached Zhuge Jin, he started swinging his arms in a seemingly haphazard manner. The crowd could see that the movements somewhat resembled a bear, modified to suit martial arts.

Patience could be seen in Zhuge Jin's eyes, as he weaved about, evading strike after strike, waiting, for his chance to strike.

The crowd were awed by Zhuge Jin's performance. After all, both men had trained in grade one martial arts to the same level of mastery, yet Cao Xuan's physique was at the advanced stage of the first level of body forging, whereas Zhuge Jin was just at the middle stage.

One must know that cultivating the body involved slight increases to the physique's quality, yet breakthrough in a minor realm would bring about a significant increase in physical attributes.

As such, the fight should have held no suspense, and Cao Xuan should have decimated Zhuge Jin. Yet, it seemed like Zhuge Jin could weave through the blows, counter attacking at every opportunity, though he could cause little damage to Cao Xuan's astounding body. Nonetheless, to have the upper hand against a higher-level foe served as a testament to Zhuge Jin's extraordinary abilities.

"it seems cultivating the Iron Bear technique, along with the disparity in overall talent, has enabled Zhuge Jin to turn the tables;" Lin Fan commented from the side.

Jiang Ting kept his focus on Cao Xuan as he whispered, "Not yet."

"Hmm? Is there anything I'm missing, brother Jiang?" Lin Fan looked at him with confusion. Cao Xuan wasn't able to land his titanic blows. Zhuge Jin's light attacks would wear him down eventually, no?

Jiang Ting didn't respond, staring at Cao Xuan.

Eventually the crowd quieted down. Lin Fan felt something was wrong with the atmosphere, so he focused his attention to the fight. What he saw surprised him.

Zhuge Jin was having trouble keeping up.

"What happened? Did he tire out so soon? That's disappointing."

Jiang Ting spoke up, "Look closer."

LIn Fan stared at the combatants, before realization dawned on him. "He isn't slowing down, Cao Xuan has sped up?"

On the arena, Cao Xuan's attacks started getting closer and closer to hitting Zhuge Jin. Once Zhuge Jin realized he could no longer evade, he got flustered, attempting to block the next punch to his chest. The moment Cao Xuan landed his punch, Zhuge Jin's forearms directly shattered and caved in before the punch lost momentum and landed on his chest, breaking a few ribs as Zhuge Jin was thrown back a few meters.

Everyone was stunned as even the core elders on the stage turned their gazes to that direction. Such level of injury from the junior students was rare, since their powers were weak, and the difference in a minor realm usually wasn't this high.

The referee called out, "Winner, Cao Xuan. Medics! Escort the wounded off the stage."

Cao Xuan looked at Zhuge Jin and bowed, "I'm sorry for the injury, you fought excellently."

Zhuge Jin looked back at him and nodded in excruciating pain before passing out.

The crowd around the arena burst out in cheers as they saw the incredible fight come to such a sporting end.

Lin Fan looked at Jiang Ting, "You seem to have noticed something, brother Jiang, what is it? How did Cao Xuan speed up? Was he just holding back in the beginning?"

Jiang Ting smiled slightly, replying to Jiang Ting. "As you mentioned before, Cao Xuan is suited to his martial technique. Along with the help in practice, this talent also helps him maximize the potential of the technique. The Iron Bear technique is an offensive technique that employs a bear's movements. Cao Xuan didn't speed up in battle, he simply charged like a beast, his attacks growing more and more ferocious, more precise, every attack relying more on instinct to land his blows. Against his opponents growing accuracy, and the unpredictable nature of his bear-like attacks, Zhuge Jin eventually couldn't keep dodging. As a matter of fact, even if Zhuge Jin had been at the advanced stage of the first level, it would have taken longer, but Cao Xuan's attacks would still have overwhelmed him in the end."

Lin Fan was rather surprised. "So that's how it is. Turns out Cao Xuan is rather formidable. You really know your stuff huh, brother Jiang."

* * *

On an arena to the side, Yan Ping and another woman were spectating as two male disciples in the advanced stage of the first level of body forging realm were battling.

There was a sizeable crowd in around that arena as well, but it was not just to cheer for the combatants. As it turned out, Yan Ping had become quite popular among the disciples of the academy recently. Furthermore, she had become best friends with Lu Fei, another extremely beautiful girl training at the academy. The students were all teenagers and young adults, so such distractions were rather welcome in their lives as they spent the majority of their time in mundane, repetitive training.

Lu Fei, standing next to Yan Ping, had pitch black irises deep as stars, long black hair, and a slender figure. She was similar to Yan Ping in age as well as training, and the two got along splendidly.

"Yan Ping, is your brother not coming?" Lu Fei asked her, since Yan Ping mentioned her brother was going to come to the competition. Lu Fei had visited Yan Ping's house, and had met her brother, so she knew he didn't have his arms. It was quite a shame. As such, she figured he was just coming to cheer Yan Ping on.

"He will come when the competition for senior students begins." Yan Ping smiled as she locked eyes with a rather handsome out walking over from another arena.

"Hey Lu Fei, that guy over there in the turquoise robes is the headmaster's new student, right? If I'm not mistaken, he's that kid who's notorious for beating up all the guys our age. His name was Jiang Ting, no?"

Lu Fei turned to look at Jiang Ting as her face darkened, "Yeah, that's him". She quickly turned her attention back to the ring. This hateful fellow hadn't just beaten the guys up back then. He'd smashed her nose too. She had to stay at home for a month before she could show her face outside.

Sensing her anger, Yan Ping took a look at Lu Fei, confused.