The Clash of Titans

The sun had just begun its descent, casting an orange hue across the sky and illuminating the Thunder Court training grounds with a warm glow. The excitement in the air was palpable as spectators eagerly awaited the next round of the tournament. The previous matches had been nothing short of spectacular, showcasing the talents and determination of the academy's finest.

Jiang Ting sat with Zhao Song, savoring the brief respite. The match against Meng Zhang had been grueling, but it had also reinforced Jiang Ting's belief in his abilities and the effectiveness of his training. As he sipped water from a wooden flask, his mind drifted to the upcoming battles. He knew that the path ahead would only get more challenging.

"Jiang Ting!" a voice called out, breaking his thoughts. He looked up to see a young female disciple running towards him, out of breath and holding a scroll. "A message from the headmaster."