Afraid of Whom?

The forest canopy above was dense, allowing only scattered beams of sunlight to pierce through, casting a mosaic of light and shadow on the forest floor. Jiang Ting, Yan Ping, Yan Yao, and Mei Lin moved cautiously, their senses alert for any signs of danger. The serene atmosphere of the forest belied the challenges that might lurk within.

As they pressed deeper into the woods, the sound of clashing swords and shouts broke the tranquility. Jiang Ting motioned for his companions to stay silent and move forward carefully. They soon came upon a clearing where a group of sword cultivators were engaged in intense practice, their blades flashing as they executed precise and powerful maneuvers.

The leader of the group, a young man with a haughty expression and an air of arrogance, was demonstrating his skills to his followers. His swordsmanship was impressive, but his demeanor suggested he was well aware of his own prowess and enjoyed flaunting it.