Auction House

The group continued their journey, traveling through dense forests and rolling hills, until the landscape gradually gave way to the outskirts of a small city. The city was bustling with activity, its streets filled with vendors, traders, and travellers. The sight of the city filled the group with a sense of excitement and anticipation.

At the city gates, they were stopped by a squadron of armed guards. The leader spoke in a strict tone.

"Halt! State your business in Star City."

Jiang Ting walked up with his group in tow. "We are adventurers. We have come here for trading some goods."

The guard leader nodded. He assumed as much from their appearance. "You may proceed."

"Star City, huh. This city should have everything we need," Zhang Wei said, his eyes scanning the busy streets. "We can find new equipment and sell the materials we harvested from the Phoenix Hawk."