A Lesson

The next item brought out by the auctioneer was a beautiful set of jade hairpins, enchanted with protective spells. They were elegant and radiated a soft glow. The starting bid was two hundred gold pieces.

"Those would make a nice gift for my sister," Liu Feng said, his eyes on the hairpins.

Everyone smiled as Liu Feng then raised his hand. "Two hundred gold pieces."

Almost immediately, Wu Jian raised his hand. "Three hundred gold pieces."

Jiang Ting glanced at Liu Feng,

"Let me handle this."

 Liu Feng nodded. "Teach him a lesson, I can get something else for my sister."

Jiang Ting nodded and gave a devilish smile.

 "Four hundred gold pieces," Jiang Ting called out.

Wu Jian smirked, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Five hundred gold pieces."

Jiang Ting remained unfazed. "Six hundred gold pieces."

Wu Jian's smirk grew wider. "Seven hundred gold pieces."