Chapter Four

"Lets that...again," I wheezed as I lay on my back. The flat asphalt was a comfort to sore muscles. My ankle throbbed like an opened wound, radiating heat from a tumor-like bulge beneath the pant leg. A low pitch hum radiated the air.

Above, thousands of tiny lights clustered in the night sky with the urban skyline blocking most of it. The view was marvelous as I looked up. It was divine. My soul yearned for the stars above. I was alive.

"I concur," The draft mare rose to her feet beside me. "You are in no condition to do such a thing."

Her head to her rump shook with such vigor that her tail flowed like waves. She seemed more impressive from the ground than on her back. She blew the mane out of her blue eyes.

My rifle tossed aside the moment I got off her, laid beside me, a reminder that I was still a soldier in this war and not a prisoner. My hand grabbed the canteen off the belt and unscrewed the top. Water streamed down my throat to quench a thirst and to settle a growling stomach. I coughed, I gagged, I spat out water and rolled onto my side, empty canteen tossed aside. My lungs heaved with all they had to expel the foreign liquid.

"Are you fine?" She asked. Her shadow fell over me.

I was not fine, nor well. A puddle grew next to me as it filled with droplets of saliva and water.

"You must breathe."

Something soft touched my shoulder. Shallow breaths were followed by unending coughing. The more I coughed, the worse it sounded. My whole body racked with tremors of unrelenting agony in my lungs.

A solid blow struck my back. The reaction was immediate, out came a glob of spit. The second blow came during mid-cough and I hacked up another tongue full.

My arm shot up. "Let me rest." I stuttered.

The coughing faded away with each new breath. The rough texture of the asphalt lay before me, fascinating me that at such a small scale there could be so much detail in the individual cracks from the blackened material.

A nudge touched my ribs followed by hot breath on my exposed neck. I coughed one last time and rolled on my back. Elly's face hovered over me, her forelegs next to me.

"You sound well. I was worried I may have pushed you too far," She said.

"It is not that. I took some water down the wrong way."

"I hear," Her large ears pointed at me. "How may be your ankle?"

I could only look up at her nose and long horse face. "Hurts the same as last time."

"I will check," Was her reply and she repositioned from my head to my lower leg, her hooves clunking on the asphalt. Her head dropped down and I felt the pant leg pulled back.

An unexpected shiver went its way up my spine. This is not what I expected. A man was to be expected to care for his horse before he took care of himself. It was what I was taught from a young age. That was the way things should be done. Yet for the horse to care for their rider? This was not normal. Why did I feel embarrassed about it?

The softer touch on my ankle sent another shiver through my spine. Warm breath tickled my skin. I softly chewed my lip, looking away.

"Speak if it does get worse," she pulled the pant leg back down. She stepped away, facing the direction we came.

The large hole we jumped was only a few yards away if I recalled. Too dark to be seen easily with the naked eye unless one was close enough to accidentally fall in. The more I lied here, the more I was aware of a long rectangle object of a certain size pushing uncomfortably through the vest into my back.

"Ughhh," My arms strained to push my unwilling body to a sitting position. Reaching behind, I yanked the rifle away. Elly was near, close enough to reach out and touch. My fingertips touched the hairs on her left foreleg. Her leg snapped back.

"What are you doing?" she asked. Her head tilted down as she stepped out of reach.

"I need you," I gestured with one hand for her to come closer.

"Do you?"

Did she want me to beg? I could use my weapon as a crutch which would hurt like shit. Then again I think I have exceeded my pain tolerance this evening.

"Yes, why would I ask? Come here so I can get up." I gestured again.

"If you insist."

Elly came with her head down mane dragging. She stepped around my legs, hernose touched my chest followed by her forehead pressing flat into me. My cheeks warmed at the closeness. I had expected something different.

"Grab hold," She said.

My hands latched onto her mane, fingers clasping in the long strands.

"Not my mane, human! My neck."

My ears had to be red as could be. The mane slipped through my fingers teasing with their softness. I hesitated before wrapping my arms around her thick neck behind her ears. She waited, her ears flipped to her rear. For a moment I thought something was wrong till her neck began to lift. She walked backwards pulling me up in one smooth motion onto my shaky legs, her forehead still pressed against my chest. We stood there.

"May I leave?" She asked.

"Sorry," My arms went slack.

She backed away slowly. My hands brushed over her ears. Briefly, they were in my grasp then slid away. She stepped back from me with her disturbed mane and looked me in the eyes. I shook my head, closing my eyes trying to get rid of this weird feeling.

"Mention it not," She said.

Elly's legs moved her over to the M4 rifle lying near our feet. She picked it up by the stock and held it out for me. I slid the rifle onto my shoulder. It's condition will definitely be checked later once we find a place to rest.

Knife checked, the single grenade I had was fine, ammunition for my rifle was good. First aid remained where it should, as was everything I thought of. MRE was not eaten yet though I dreaded even taking a bite of it. It was all in order except for the...canteen.

Elly had it in her teeth waiting for me.

"Thanks," I placed it in its holder on my belt.

She swished her tail and circled me, coat brushing against my sleeve till she stopped on my left. She faced the darkened street where we were yet to go.

I flexed my limbs taking in a deep calming breath. Sore as I was, riding horses in a western saddle didn't bother me, jumping a horse bareback did. At least we only had to do it once. I hopped on my good leg to her side, holding up my bum ankle. Without thinking, my fingers touched her back. The mare's body tensed up.

Her head popped up. "Why is your hand on my back?"

"I thought you were going to lay down for me again."

"Are you a stallion?" She said.

I raised an eyebrow. "What does that have to do with this?"

"Am I your broodmare?" Her tone oozed with sarcasm.

I sheepishly removed my hand, avoiding her gaze. My lips snapped shut.

"Forgive me," Elly lowered her head, ears down. "I was carried away. I should learn to control myself better. I have a habit of such things."

"I understand. I should ask you first." I kept my hands to my sides.

"You have no-" She stamped her hoof. "I mean...there is no reason for you to do so. I was surprised. It was unexpected. I am so use to dealing with stallions that I can be rough with my coat as a horse would say or quick on the hoof. They are so brash. Those stallions treat mounting me like a prize to boost about. The first one to do so will have the honor and respect of many."

"But I am not a stallion," I said.

"Clearly you are not, but you have their nature."

I glanced aside. Oh do I?

"I mean we do like to think we are studs at times." I gestured with my hands.

Elly snorted, "Ridiculous"

"You can't blame us for thinking so can you?" I said.

"Is that what you thought you were on my back? A real stud." Her horsey accent came out, tail swishing.

I shrugged, "I was terrified actually."

Elly chuckled. "I don't blame you for thinking so. Would be wrong if you didn't."

"You mean terrified or being a stud?" I said.

"Stallions, they all think the same way. They have no shame nor doubt. Large bodies yet small brains I like to call them." She shook,starting from her neck all the way down to her tail.

"I have dealt with many of them. Each one tried to get on my back and I threw them off. That only emboldened them because you see, a mare they can't tame is a prize that is worth chasing. They know my reputation yet they persist. I will not submit and so my reputation grows."

She rubbed her head against her foreleg.

"They are worse than flies. At least I have a tail to keep them away."

That didn't answer my question. I sighed. Let her be and be glad you survived so far. The ride or "trotting" as she called it, was going to break me one way or another. Let's not talk about that jump earlier, thinking about it was terrifying enough.

So far she did treat me nicely except for the wounds on my arm and my bad ankle. I don't think I could walk on my own. It was a good thing she was there to carry me. I never thought a horse like her could be this helpful. It was something to ponder upon. I should ask her to get on her back again and off this bum ankle. It needs rest to heal.

"Can I…" I cleared my throat.

"Speak?" Her ears focused on me.

"Can I….get...on your back?"

"How do you propose to do that?" She asked.

"Huh? Just hop on," Is that a question? What did she expect me to say?

"I am not laying down."

Damn! Is she going to stand there while I "attempt" to mount such a tall mare with no stirrups or anything to stand on. Even my six-foot frame isn't high enough to jump to reach her back. No use trying to swing my way up there either. She'll be laughing the entire time with that horsey accent of hers.

Her talk about how stallions are wanting her and how much they greatly desire her while she keeps me on the ground. Then when I have a real need to get on her back, she refuses. Is this punishment for pulling her tail? I am certainly not prepared to understand the ways of a mare. I should say I am sorry and admit any fault she had with me, anything to get on her back again and off my bad ankle.

Yes, I will admit it. I'm just like those stallions trying to claim the prize before it runs off.

"Look!" Elly nudged me in the ribs with her nose. I stepped back. "Do you see a light down the street?" She asked.

I peered down the block. An old clay brick home with boarded up windows had tiny seams of light coming from the cracks. A low hum permeated the air. The darkness surrounded the place like a ship lost out in the dead sea, a sense of calm before the dreaded sinking. This was no stable for a horse her size.

"Sounds like a cozy home with a generator running for power. What about it?"

"We are going to walk," She said.

I groaned. This was going to be painful.

"Do you protest?" She chuckled.

My lips held firm.

She sidestepped next to me, brushing her neck against my shoulder. "Your arm over my neck."

I complied knowing what was going to happen next. My left arm slid over her neck grabbing the mane from the other side. It's softness was no comfort for what was to come. I'll have to grin and bear it. Maybe she'll relent and allow me on her back. One could hope. My right hand held the rifle's strap on my shoulder.

Elly and I walked side by side. We made a steady pace heading down the moonlit street towards the only one story home in the neighborhood with lights peeking out from cracks and gaps in the boarded windows. The rest of the homes, of questionable quality, looked like dried up husks of flies on a dusty sill.

The humming grew. The moon itself forgot that we existed and hid behind some unseen clouds. Its round shape was barely visible through the thick, dark clouds.

Pain jolted up my leg the instant my left foot touched the ground. I winced, suppressing noise from my throat by biting down on my lip. Pain if given enough of it could overcome the nerve signals of a previous pain. How did I know that? Personal experience I guess.

Yet my ankle grew progressively worse with each step. Even the anticipation of it was making me attempt to hop with my right foot. Elly would have to drag me along soon and then what?

Her nose touched my arm. "Are you in pain?"

"We just have to make it to that house up ahead right?" I said.

"Lean into me," Those words were sweet sugar to my ears.

I obliged with eagerness. My side pressed into her neck, shifting my weight.

"Is that better?" She asked.

Left foot touched the ground with barely a blip of pain. Relief flushed across my cheeks while I licked my bruised lip.

"It is."

My pace quickened, held back by only sharp jabs of pain. Elly matched my stride. The humming grew into a metallic, rattling beat.

"If you so desire…" Her head turned to me, "My mane is open."

My hands slipped under her mane feeling the hot skin radiating heat into cold fingers.

Look at you, a voice inside my head spoke, she offered you her mane and you took it as a compliment. After she wounds you, makes you submit and now is all sweet to you. What are you to her? A fool? She won't even let you on her back. She knows you more than you know yourself. Can you not see that?

She is just a horse who is helping me. We have our differences and I would love to get back to my platoon. She will take me back once we meet her friend regardless if we are heading away from friendly lines. She has to know what she is doing. She has been kind and cared for me, even to keep me out of the enemy's hands. I will trust her. She has never manipulated me nor will she ever.

Then why do you smell like her?

"James?" Her sweet voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "You can let go of me now."

"Oh I was..." My arms dropped off her neck.

Elly chuckled. "Don't be ashamed, I know my mane is warm." Her tail swished.

It was, now I regret having to leave it.

We stood at the corner of the abode house. The sounds of incessant rattling came from the backyard with the dirty smell of oil in the air. I could almost taste it on my tongue. Sidewalks had long disappeared from the street ways back. Where the sides of the street ended, a darkened sand-like color began. This was no place to grow even a single bush.

"What it's inside?" I asked.

"Of this place?" She gestured with her head to the building.

"He is an old man I found on my way through. He is very friendly and kind, I will have to point out."

Elly turned her head, blue eyes looking into mine.

"He came outside when I was exploring this area. We both spooked each other. Can you imagine so? I thought he was dangerous at first like men are but his kind words and hands showed me he was not. He ran back inside to bring out some strange fruit for me to try which I ate. I think he was trying to spoil me, he even let me inside."

She pawned the ground for a moment.

"He gave me water and what treats he had. He also talked the whole time I was there. Nothing else stirred in the house except for him and I. It was a glad time, it reminds me of home in a way, I do say. He certainly knows how to treat a mare such as I." She said it in such a way that even I felt a bit jealous.

"He is not dangerous is he?" I asked.

"Him? I do not fancy he is. I think he desires company most of all."

I glanced at the solid wooden front door. It seemed decent for someone's dwelling. The porch lacked any decor and it wasn't much of a porch at all, not like the wrap-around porches we had back in my neighborhood.

"We'll go inside, maybe he'll have some food in there." My stomach growled. I took the rifle off my shoulder into my hands. My fingers rubbed the smoothness of the scope. I'll have to check every room in that place though.

"Glad you agree, wait while I let him know I am here."

Elly left my side and stepped up to the door, front feet on the two steps. She lifted up her head, shook her mane a bit, blew a few strands that fell over her eyes and relaxed, assuming a posture of what she had done with me in the cafe. She had class and she knew it.

She raised her right hoof passing the bottom of the door, rising higher and higher and stopped at midsection and knocked with two solid taps. I watched intently.

What seemed like a good while, the door opened bathing Elly's sorrel coat in a yellowish tint. Out came an old man wearing a flannel shirt and brown trousers. His balding head had gray hair mixed with brown. His eyes lit up at the sight of her presence.