An Ominous Premonition

"Sister, it's time to eat." The young man's voice came from downstairs.

"Oh." Lily deliberately increased the volume, then put down "Pride and Prejudice", opened the door, and went downstairs.

Dinner today is steak and salad, served with a plate of cookies.

"Thank you." Lily said these words with a blank face, but his younger brother burst into laughter, his expressionless face turned red instantly, and then he started to eat steak.

Lily's younger brother is named Gordon Potter, and he lives with his sister, so he regards her as his treasure and doesn't want anyone to take her away. He is good in character and learning, has a good temper, and almost never gets angry unless his sister is in danger or he likes her or she likes him.

"This steak is not salty enough," Lily said.

"There's pepper here." Gordon took out the pepper shaker; Lily took it, then lowered her head and began to sprinkle pepper. At this moment, she suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Get down!" Lily raised her left hand suddenly, and then a gust of wind blew the table and Gordon to the wall behind them. Lily also leaned her body back and successfully avoided the red sword.

"What's that?" said the younger brother, kicking the table away from him and standing up.

"Be careful! This thing is fast!" Lily raised her hand to stop him because she knew he wanted to help her into his arms.

"How fast?"

"400 kilometres per hour."


"Then use your ability quickly; it's too fast; it's hard to turn." Lily's words woke Gordon up.

The backs of Gordon's hands were close to his feet, palms turned outward, and then suddenly a pile of sand-like things appeared around them, and then the sand stuck to their bodies, and the sand disappeared as soon as it touched their bodies.

Lily felt that her sense of touch was gone, and she couldn't feel the flow of the wind. She looked down, and her shadow was gone!

"It worked," Lily said.

"I don't need you to tell me." Gordon's mouth turned up, his eyes became sharper, and they stared wider, which was the expression he would have when he was happy.

"Okay, let's go; I can't feel the wind; what does this mean? Please answer." Lily took Gordon's hand and walked towards the open window in front.

"You can't control the wind." Gordon gave the correct answer.

"The answer is correct, so if you want to live, come with me, get that damned stalker out, and then I will make him spin 360 degrees, and then an iron sand palm."

"Then five consecutive overhand throws, followed by Tathagata palm and a thousand punches, and the last deadly scissor kick, right? I'll do it all, ah!" Gordon's ear was pulled.

"Okay, be serious; hide at the signal tower first."

"But the signal waves there will mess with our invisibility. Oh, I get it, okay." Gordon willingly got pulled by the hair and went to the signal tower two rooms away.


"Why isn't there anyone?" said a bespectacled man whose tall, thin frame made him look vulnerable. His ability was to create the sword and then pierce the chest of his prey at great speed, but because of the speed Too fast makes it difficult to turn, so his prey often manages to escape, but only for a while.

"I think they're around here, but they're not breathing." said the man, as his sword patrolled the vicinity, slowing down to a speed where he could turn freely but just as fast.

There were two people in it before; one should be her, and the other should be her brother. It seems that her brother's ability may be invisible, but it's not right, so my "radar" can't detect them?

Is his ability to make himself disappear on the radar? What about breathing? Footsteps? And the wind will be blocked if it passes by him, and there will be nothing in the end! What the hell is going on?

He patted his cheeks, managed to pull himself out of his thoughts, and focused on searching until he came near the signal tower, only to find no reaction.

"There are two people; they should be them because of their height; if it weren't for the wind passing by you, I wouldn't be able to find you." Just as he was about to start, he immediately noticed something was wrong. "Didn't you notice it just now?" So he chose to let the sword return to himself because he found that the two people were just two dummys made up of wind.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Before his eyes were about to be swallowed by darkness, he felt as if a hole had been opened in his forehead.

"You are really difficult to deal with," Gordon said, holding a magret. "I wouldn't dare to do this if my sister wasn't around." He stepped on the man's head and said, "If you dare to touch my sister, you will die."


As soon as the words fell, Gordon's abdomen was pierced by something.

"What you said managed to piss me off, damn it." He stopped talking after that because he was too tired, and the hand on the sword was still pointed at Gordon.

This man is a scumbag, a scumbag who works for money; that's how Gordon convinced himself.

When Lily arrived at the scene, she found that the house was burned down, and then she found a shadow behind her, and the wind began to gather around her.

Gordon just kept staring at the flames.

"What are you doing?" Lily stomped her feet angrily. "You don't need to kill people! How many times have I said that?"

"He deserves to die." Gordon didn't want to admit that he hated the man who kept disturbing his sister's life.

"That doesn't have to be killed! I want to know who hired him!"

"Damn!" Gordon began to regret

The fire continued to burn.